What would you get with $300?

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Used S&W Model 10, if you want something reliable and useful.
Beretta Bobcat in .22 cal, if you want something fun.
Or, just wander around a gun show until you see something that catches your eye. Impulse gun buys are a rush.
Don't listen to gun snobs. There are plenty of FINE weapons that can be had for under 300 bucks. If you don't have any of these I would highly recommend them.
Bersa .380
Star BM
Other Star or Firestar Pistols

I have all the above, except the Bersa and CZ. I can normally outshoot anyone I meet with any of them. ESPECIALLY the FEG. It is a really fine weapon. I bought it for $225. Beatiful Bluing. I fit it with a browning hammer and sear (free from a fine fellow at the hi-power forum) and a SIG rear sight. It shoots about 2 1/2 inches at 50 yards and has not given me even on FTF/FTE since I bought it. I even won a local competition with it. (And an informal shoot out at 50 yards with a guy who said nothing can beat a "wheelgun" He was wrong. )
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