Where/Who to leave my guns to when dead?

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Having gone through dealing with handling someone's estate, I am inclined to ask my local dealer that I have dealt with for years to provide a dollar figure for all of it. Then I will let a couple of key people know what that figure is and about my dealer.

When you are closing an estate, you will often have to sell something at a fire-sale price just to get it out of your hair. I think it is safe to say most of us don't want that to happen to our collections.

Your family and/or close friends could use the retail value of your collection when you are gone much more than some guns they don't care about and don't have room for. Forcing them to sell everything themselves for pennies on the dollar, under duress and grief, is not the way. My LGS has plenty of stories about people letting jewels go for $50-$100 or something like that, and this is why.

I have instructed a few family members to take what they want, and then plan to apply the above advice to my own situation.
I want to be buried with all my guns just pilled all over me in the coffin, and I want my left hand propped up giving everyone at my funeral the middle finger........ so really, no one will see it, because who'd go to a funeral for a jerk like me?

Actually I plan to survive forever as a brain preserved in a jar on a robotic body. So my only concern is the future of robotic appendages, so I can still shoot my gun accurately....

Ok, seriously though, my window for child rearing is narrowing by the day, and frankly I don't know that I want kids to begin with. My sister will get a few. My brother and his family are big liberals so I don't see them getting any. So my friends will get a bunch. Maybe my niece and nephew if they grow up to have brains in their heads. If my girlfriend remains my girlfriend, or becomes my wife, she would get a bunch.
I have more guns than my kids are going to want. I'm selling some as i get older and using the money for something for my grandchildren.
It amazes me how many folks don't seem to have family members who are interested in shooting. I have kids, grandkids, nephews, nieces, cousins, and others many times removed who have already expressed interest in my "smokable" assets.

I have no children, hence no grandchildren, etc. That is by my (and my wife's) choice. Be amazed if you wish.

I have one nephew who has a moderate interest in shooting. No way am I going to bequeath all of my firearms, safe, ammo, reloading gear and components to him at this point.

I just asked a friend who knows about guns that upon my death to please help my wife by selling them off for me, I also told him to pick one out that he would want for the help.
Yep. Make that "several friends".
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Well, that's interesting! Wonder how they sell them.....

Auctions, raffles, fund-raising promos. If you don't have heirs that need to maximize the value of your inheritance its for a good cause and some new gunnies may get some good deals and help the NRA and/or your state affiliated organization in the process.

I'm all for taking car of your own first, but in my situation all my relatives either live in ban states or have a lot more money than I do.
My suggestion would be to sell them all before you go and spend it however you see fit in a fun way. If there's one thing I've learned its that families almost never share the passion that ol' looney tune gun nut grampa Jim has for his old boom sticks. They get sold quick and at a big loss. I hate to admit it, but I've bought a few that way myself. But hey if they don't care, I don't either. That said.. if you must give them away. Just please make sure you give them to someone who respects them. I would cry for you if they went uncared for, neglected, or pawned.
If you're wife is still alive, she can have a gun broker sell them and she gets the money.

You need to make a list of the guns to sell and their values.

Ditto ... there are actually a couple FFL's on the GunBroker forums that will do this, Locust Fork is one in particular that I follow her auctions and have bought a few. There may be FFL's in your area that will help turn them into cash ... or best of all; a friend or two you can trust to liquidate them for your wife/heirs.

But regardless of who does it, it's best if there is a list.

This is something I've contemplated too. I think at some point I'll start listing things on GunBroker myself (I've actually thought about thinning the herd a bit now)and if something unexpected were to happen I have a couple friends that will help her out and she has a good idea of what I've got and what their worth.
I'm by myself now. When I am no more all and I mean all my stuff is to be auctioned off and the proceeds invested to a trust fund for 2 granddaughters. Maybe my retro AR15 might be given to one granddaughter.
Each of mine has a record of it's origin and if applicable, where it goes. One goes to my brother as it's one he's always loved. A few specifically go to my son. the rest... let ppl do with them as they wish. I'l be dead and gone so is it gonna effect me? :roll eyes: I know by what I hope will be that time, there'll be far fewer here as I'm in the "less is more" mode.
Lots of good answers here. The main thing is to sure you have a will that spells out your wishes. A couple of mine go to relatives. My two gun show buddies each get to pick out one gun if they out live me. I have a local FFL lined up to sell the rest either locally or through GunBroker for a reasonable fee. Books will go to the ASSRA.
Unless I leave this life in a sudden or unexpected manner I don't think there will be more than a long gun and a pistol left in my possession when the time comes for my will to be executed. No sense giving the law or the courts any more authority over my life than they have already stolen.....
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