Who makes your favorite .357/.38 revolver?

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Favorite .38/.357?

Well as I don't carry, all my wheelguns are range guns.

I've found I prefer S&W over all others thus far (always room for improvement though), and my current .38/.357 favorite is my Performace Center 627-5.

This one right here...


My favorite is a tuned SP-101 .357 I have with Hogue wood grips. It is a handy little devil.
Ruger- in SP-101, GP-100, or Blackhawk. I had a Redhawk .357 once but it was just too much gun for the cartridge.
First place: 6" Royal Blue Colt Python
Second Place: 4 inch skinny barrel S&W Model 10
Third Place: 3 inch S&W Model 65
How about my mod.13, 3'', magnaported, performance center, S&W?
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Damn, there are so many!

Out of my .357's, the following four are my favorite:

I have a 4" Colt King Cobra in bright stainless that hangs out around the top of my .357 wheel gun list. I also have a 4" S&W model 13 that I am really, really fond of. I think the Model 60 S&W 357 is one of the best J-Frames around. But for a shooter, I have a 6" Ruger GP 100 in stainless that is without a doubt my most accurate and smooth shooting 357 Mag. It will also take the strongest loads when needed.
3" S&W 65-3,my daily carry piece
for the last 3 years.It's still
tight as a drum and very,very
accurate with the 140gr XTP's
from hornady.I've got a pair of
hogue rubber grips on it and it
fits my hand like a glove.
Always something from smith or ruger, lately I have been liking these two, GP-100 and 640-1......tom

Currently my favorite is my M64-3. It is just as accurate for me as my M15-3. But, as others have stated, whichever one I am holding at the time.
It now has Houge Wood grips.
Who makes your favorite .357 or .38 revolver?
If you take the question literally no one does.

My favorites aren't being made any more. :(

S&W used to make my favorites -- 4" Model 15 and 2" Model 10.

Colt used to make another favorite -- Python

Stainless revolvers are okay but my favorites are blued.
My favorites (not necessarily in this order).

S&W M28
Colt Detective Special
S&W Model 10/M&P
I like Colts... though I don't own a Python I do have the 'elusive Magnum Carry' :neener:

What I'd REALLY like is a New Service in .357, now there is a belt gun!

Truthfully Ruger makes some really nice DA wheelguns... simple and rugged. A 4 Inch GP-100 is a really nice piece.

I've never owned a Smith and Wesson, but I always liked the Centennials and the Model 13 or 65 over the big 686 series. And the 38/44 just looks mean.
The S&W Model 27,recessed cyclinders,pinned 6 1/2" is my favorite. Byron
Mine are all oldies. Ruger Security Six blue 6", Ruger Speed Six stainless
2 3/4", Smith & Wesson K-38 Masterpiece, 8 3/8", Smith & Wesson Highway Partolman 4".

My all time favorite guns and calibers.

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