Winchester 1897 or Norinco Clone

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Aug 6, 2005
Eastern Washington
One local shop has a Win 1897, standard version, not sure of year but it's about 80-85%, good wood, but the action is gummed up real bad. But I figure if I remove the wood and hose it down with solvent it'll run like a champ again. Asking price $399.

Another shop has a Norinco 1897 clone on consignment that's 95+% for $250, again just a standard version not a riot or trench gun.:(

Score 'em both or go for just one.
I'd go with the original if you are sure the action is only gunked up....have them spray it with some break free and see if it works freely...model 97s can get out of time; that makes the action bind and jam up...and you need a REAL gunsmith to get them working correctly again...If the break free doesnt make it feel any better only buy it they agree to get the action working freely first....
I prefer the Winchester also. For what its worth though the Norinco 4th generation 97's and they may be higher than that by now have a reputation of being excellent by SASS shooters. The first imported wasn't so good but they made improvements on ever batch coming in; including wood upgrades. Also the newer Norinco's was able to handle High Power shot shells which no one recommended on the older Winchester 97's. Back when I was shooting CAS we only shot light AA's so this wasn't really a selling point one way or the other. I am sure someone will chime in and tell you how to tell what generation Norinco you are looking at. Good Luck!
I've bought two original 97s this past year and they're both terrific shooters. I couldn't bring myself to buy an imported copy when there's plenty of good originals out there. I bought a DVD that explains the complete teardown, workings and assembly of one of these guns and the DVD's well worth the money.

Go to or google and type in Winchester 97 DVD. The DVD's done by Larry Crow.
I have a Norchester I bought several years ago. I sent it off to Coyote Cap to have it worked over.

Couldnt be happier as I really didnt want to chop on and put a boatload of ammo through an original 97.
The onliest thing is if the 97 is pre WW2, and most are , I would buy an aftermarket 20" barrel for $175 or so and keep the original without cutting it. There are forceing cone issues on the earlier guns that are best rectified by going this route if you want to shoot buck shot ect.;)
Get both. Or one, or the other. My main advice for any '97, Winchester or Norinchester would be:

If you're going to us it much at all, a trip to either Lassiter at Tom's Single Action Shop, or Cap, at Coyote Cap Gunworks is strongly indicated. Either one can turn an ol' '97 into one of the slickest slide guns ever devised. After that, just keep a spare extractor on hand, and don't bend the mag tube.

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