Worst year passed by, hoping for 2025


Oct 21, 2017
Here is hoping 2025 will be better.
2024 was the worst year ever here at home for illness and emergencies, but the burn to hunt finally came thru at first until I became ill.
I did manage to get an 8-point buck here at home.
I thought I had missed it, went out with the 4-wheeler and it was laying right beside the 4-wheeler trail.
Kind of shocked me because I was almost sure I turned the bullet loose too soon.
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Heres to wishing that 2025 is a better year for you. I know the feeling. 2023 was a tough year for me. My Wife spent most of the Summer in the hospital and passed away right before Black Powder season opened. My heart just wasn't into it, the only reason I even went was because my Son and Grandchildren were there. Wishing you the best!
Yeah 2024 was pretty awful for hunting for me. Probably went out a total of 12-15 times and was able to see about 4 deer total. Got one of them but what a disappointment for seeing animals.
Me too.
I shot a nice big doe and was watching some nice bucks when my crossbow destructed.
Got pneumonia at thanksgiving about the time I got the Xbow back. Then had a relapse to finish out my season.
I just watched 3 Bucks behind my house. 2 of them were big enough to be shooters and they all look healthy. Here’s to hoping I see them next season!
Yeah 2024 was pretty awful for hunting for me. Probably went out a total of 12-15 times and was able to see about 4 deer total. Got one of them but what a disappointment for seeing animals.
Same here, got to hunt a lot, (thankful for that) but between the wolves up North, and the wasting disease close to home I sure never had a chance at a deer. Saw very few does, and no bucks. Deer was only open to "3-point or better". I did figure out where a small herd of elk liked to move through one piece of land, but by the time I did I only had a few days left to hunt before elk season shut down.