No matter how many tell you its "over priced" just tell them to show you the cheaper ones. I had a couple of them I paid less than $500 for but it was 40 years ago. What one sold for even 20 years ago sounds nice except its not the year 2000 any more either. I think the prices on them are insane but, that is the price they sell for now. People saying they "remember" when they had one or saw one cheaper, great. I remember when gas was .26 a gallon. Does not mean I really expect to ever see that price again. Enjoy the pistol. Shoot it, have fun with it. Take decent care of it and it will be worth every bit you paid and more years from now. And to those saying it will break?
I am sure someone has managed to break one but I never saw one someone could break even after a LOT of shooting. Small parts will wear out but the frame and slide? Shoot it and enjoy it.