Funny thing about MAIG...

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We've got to keep those illegal mayors off the streets.

Not that I wish him (or anyone) any ill will, but I'd laugh like hell if the MAIG founder got tagged for some massive securities violation. Or something.


Terry, 230RN
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^ I think the point is that people who promise to be "tough on crime" shouldn't mean "tough on crime except when I do it."
I don't get it. Are all progun politicians supposed to be upstanding citizens?
All politicians of ANY sort should be upstanding citizens . . . leadership by example, y'know?

It can't be that hard . . . I'm 62 and I've never been arrested. Then again, I've never been a politician, either . . .
All politicians of ANY sort should be upstanding citizens . . . leadership by example, y'know?

It can't be that hard . . . I'm 62 and I've never been arrested. Then again, I've never been a politician, either . . .

I agree. But what does this have to do with their positions on guns? Is it not silly to point out imoral behavior of politicians who disagree with us on guns when there are plenty who do agree with us and still act badly?
" Is it not silly to point out imoral behavior of politicians who disagree with us on guns when there are plenty who do agree with us and still act badly?"

It’s true but you just shot a major hole in every politician’s campaign/reelection strategy, i.e. pointing out the lack of virtue in your opponent vis-à-vis what value you bring/brought to the table.
The point is they run about galavanting and shouting how guns cause crime, they act above us mere peasants, even though they can't, for example, keep they're eyes away from the child porn...guess a gun was to blame for that too, huh?

They blame guns for all the crime problems we face, yet they, for another example, steal from programs helping DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN. Guess a gun stole those funds, huh?

They want us to get rid of our arms because we are the violent, huddled, unwashed masses, yet they, for my final example but certainly not the least important, can't keep their hands of of police officers. Wonder what they would blame for that?
The point is they run about galavanting and shouting how guns cause crime, they act above us mere peasants, even though they can't, for example, keep they're eyes away from the child porn...guess a gun was to blame for that too, huh?

So do progun politicians.

Hypocricy is when a politician opposes rights for gay people and then hooks up with dudes in a rest stop. Hypocricy is when a politician gives speeches about global warming then flies around in a private jet. Had one of these mayors lobbyed against gun ownership and then used one to commit a crime or even just kept one in his house, then i could see the point. But really this is just an ad hominem attack which is a poor strategy to win a debate.
Difference is, pro-gun politicians don't blame lifeless objects for the problems of society.
They blame the people who do the crime.

Thats just not true. Being against guns does not equate to thinking inanimate objects commit crimes. They believe they allow people to commit more and worse crimes. But again, what does that have to do with any of the crimes cited?
^ I think the point is that people who promise to be "tough on crime" shouldn't mean "tough on crime except when I do it."
This is a well known pattern. "Family values" politicians are some of the worst at the values they claim to espouse.
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