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Riterd General McChrystal weighs in on the AWB...

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A general who resigned because of the bad press fallout in comments he made by the president and who is currently promoting his book, opinion should be taken with a very large grain of salt
Retired General McChrystal weighs in on the AWB...
and it ain't good.

Why would it be good? The Second Amendment is intended to give American citizens some small measure of parity with an all powerful American military. What general would like that?
I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal, were he still an active general, if given the order by his Master to "confiscate the arms of the worker peasants and serfs, by any means necessary" would send out his troops to butcher as many thousands of civilians as his troops could find.

And McChrystal is not the only one "upstairs" who'd do it, either.

"Just following orders, sir."

I just watched him on the Daily Show a couple minutes ago stating he doesn't want "5.56 rounds on our streets, in our schools..." Absolutely sickening, as was the entire episode. So now a bunch.of uninformed college students will be parroting the talking points from this episode. It was typical "we're reasonable and if you don't give up ground you're unreasonable" BS. Just awful...
He didn'd resign, he offered his resignation, and if you don't understand the difference, you were probably never in the service.
Yep, and it's purely a symbolic gesture anyway once you're past your twenty and eligible for retirement. 0-9 monthly retirement pay is probably more than most of us gross while still in the workforce ...
It was never a secret that there would eventually be modern day Redcoats in the US Army. Generals like him are exactly why we absolutely need access to military grade weapons. He is the very living embodiment of United States soldiers who swore an oath, but would then choose to break that oath and be complicit in our tyranny.

The will always be the next Benedict Arnold in our midst. We must stay vigilant.
"And an M4 carbine fires a .223 caliber round, which is 5.56 millimeters, at about 3,000 feet per second. When it hits a human body, the effects are devastating. It's designed to do that. And that's what our soldiers ought to carry."

So, now we have gun control based on caliber? If .223 is too powerful, then everything more powerful should be banned too?
There are plenty of anti-gun military personnel and LEO. It isn't that hard to find them and have the media promote them in a manner that suggests their opinion is the predominant opinion of an entire organization.

Why should we be surprised?
I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal, were he still an active general, if given the order by his Master to "confiscate the arms of the worker peasants and serfs, by any means necessary" would send out his troops to butcher as many thousands of civilians as his troops could find.

And McChrystal is not the only one "upstairs" who'd do it, either.

"Just following orders, sir."

This is the very same thing I said on another board. I have very little doubt about it.
I watched him on Hannity and he didn't give one direct answer to Hannity's questions.

A true politician but one not good enough to keep his job.
Yeah, he was no great loss to the military.

With that little tirade, he just made himself look like a fool to those of us that know better. The sad thing is, the fact that he was a general will stick to the impressionable, even though what he said was garbage and inaccurate. Sad.
One flaw I saw in his argument against civilians owning AR15s was his reference to the .223/5.56 caliber as if that is the only round this platform will chamber. The troubling part of my observation is that in attempting to bring out the multi-caliber argument, you underscore my previous premise that the antigunners have the advantage of being able to condense their stance to simple one or two sentences that will fit in a tweet, on a bumper sticker or in a headline and come with a heaping helping of brainless empathy. Our counterpoints are lengthy, wordy, technical and require thought, logic and analysis. If we can't find a way aorund that hurdle then we will lose something, maybe a lot, once this debate is finished and the votes are in.
Plan2live, you are exactly right, america loves buzz words they can't handle a lengthly arguments.
When a General "offers" his resignation, he was told to. You don't get to be that rank without being pushed around by civilians in suits.

I don't like McCrystal. Didn't like him as CG and certainly don't like him now. Gives every real grunt a bad name.
This is just icing on the cake to the fact that a lot of his direct policy decisions got a lot of good US soldiers hurt and killed in Afghanistan. He's just continuing on his tradition of being bad for the US in every way.
"I spent a career carrying typically either an M16, and later an M4 carbine," he said. "And an M4 carbine fires a .223 caliber round, which is 5.56 millimeters, at about 3,000 feet per second. When it hits a human body, the effects are devastating. It's designed to do that. And that's what our soldiers ought to carry."

thats funny, because i can name about half a dozen servicemen who think the 5.56 is woefully underpowered....

"I personally don't think there's any need for that kind of weaponry on the streets and particularly around the schools in America. I believe that we've got to take a serious look. I understand everybody's desire to have whatever they want, but we’ve got to protect our children, we’ve got to protect our police, we've got to protect our population. And I think we have to take a very mature look at that."

and apparently when Mr. McChrystal took an oath to uphold the constitution.....he never actually bothered to read the damn thing.
He is engrained into the military way and that is essentially a dictatorship. You give orders and they are performed.
It's a darned shame. His ignorance, or deliberate misinformation, is a shame to see, but I guess it didn't really surprise me seeing him try to grab onto this. If there was a shred of credibility left in him on behalf of any soldiers at all (prior, or whatever), that should have ended it. Either he is really that stupid to believe that about the 5.56, or he deliberately said that stuff, KNOWING that soldiers would realize what a bunch of bs it was, and he didn't care. Nice character.
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