Recent content by ATBackPackin

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    Army vet disarmed of his AR and 1911 by cop

    Tom, you obviously know way more than I do on Texas law, but that is a ridiculous law. Calculated???? By who???? 100 people and you have 100 different calculations. Seems as is they wrote that law so they could basically arrest anyone for open carrying.
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    Army vet disarmed of his AR and 1911 by cop

    I don't know exactly what happened, but some of the things said by the LEO's would have me believe that they overreacted and may have stepped in it. Then they charged him with resisting arrest. Then they dropped that charge and charge him with interfering with a peace officer. With all of...
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    Co-Sponsor Of Bill Banning Magazines Demonstrates She Doesn't Know What They Are

    Even if I didn't care about guns, these are the people running this asylum....I mean country. Is it really any wonder why this country is turning to chit. I want to laugh, I want to cry, I want to scream, and I want to shake some sense into people.
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    "92% of Americans support background checks"

    in·fringe /inˈfrinj/ Verb 1.Actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.): "infringe a copyright". 2.Act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on: "infringe on his privacy"...
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    Trust the AP

    You silly guys. There you go trying to use logic again.
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    "92% of Americans support background checks"

    The bottom line for me is this, even if we did everything they asked, it would do nothing to deter crime. Most guns used by criminals are either stolen or straw purchased. If I registered all my guns and somebody stole them, who has them now?? Now all they can do is charge me for being a victim...
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    racist anti gun rep from AL

    I'd like to touch on that for a moment. How untouchable these politicians must think they are for them to rant like that in an email! He had to know that would get out. Either way, this is exactly the opposite of the type of people we need in office. With that being said, I seriously doubt...
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    Interesting ammo shipment info.

    Morcey, I am really low on .22's myself. However, if you do not think you will have enough ammo for your Scouts closer to the class time, let me know and I'll send you what I have. Shawn
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    This is why I will never register my guns

    While what you said is true, when they decide they want to confiscate, they will put everything they have into making as full of a registry as they can. You can take that to the bank.
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    The ABC's of firearms...

    Yankee Hill Machine Co.
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    Bloomberg & Biden using the same message as us.

    Something that they never seem to get is that without us, the legal gun owners, there would be no gun lobby.
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    Help Me Demolish My Anti-Gun Aunt's Gun Control Scheme...

    Tell her how "safe" society would be if we didn't have any Bill of Rights. Who needs the pesky 1st Amendment? Who "needs" a 4th Amendment? If you don't have anything to hide then what is the problem? Etc.
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    Help Me Demolish My Anti-Gun Aunt's Gun Control Scheme...

    With a stance like that I sincerely doubt there is much you can say or do to convince her otherwise. My problem with people like this is that if they truly feel the 2nd Amendment is irrelevant or outdated, then have an amendment to the Constitution. Do away with it the right way.
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    This Will Make Your Blood Boil!

    That didn't ask to see the safe. They wanted to see the contents and do an inventory of the safe. Huge difference. Even if they decided to go the route they did, as soon as they saw the safe, they should have apologized and closed the case.