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Recent content by Baron_Null

  1. B

    Olympic shooting competition and societal questions

    And? What's the plan for that, exactly? What you seem to be missing here is that nobody here is questioning the intent and importance of the second amendment, but are instead talking about how to introduce those who are anti-gun to the idea of the second amendment without turning them off from...
  2. B

    Nightstand Duty Dilemma

    Should that eventuality play out, I'm sure you'll just have to notify your opponent that the internet told you that it wouldn't happen and out of respect they'll end the fight in order to maintain the integrity of common wisdom.
  3. B

    Nightstand Duty Dilemma

    I say choose whichever one you shoot better. Although a 6rd difference in magazine capacity is nothing to sneeze at, I feel that whichever one is more controllable, faster, and more accurate in your hands will be the best option. I don't feel there's enough practical difference in service pistol...
  4. B

    Building a G34 Gamer Gun

    When they're comments that are specifically requested by the OP not to be included in the discussion, I'd imagine that they aren't welcome. I'm not a believer in using hardware to fix a software problem, but tinkering and slapping stuff together is just as valid of a hobby as going out and...
  5. B

    Building a G34 Gamer Gun

    I think you missed the part where the OP said "not because it will make me better, but because I want to and I can" which implies they already know that.
  6. B

    What has the Nice attack told us now!

    They do, but I'd hardly expect you to be able to realize that when you're constantly standing in a bubble insulated from opinions outside of your own. Innocent Muslims suffer from the actions of radicalized Muslims both directly from attacks committed in majority Muslim countries and indirectly...
  7. B

    What has the Nice attack told us now!

    Sorry, Old Guy. Incoherent rants about the affiliations of terrorists are just as unlikely to convince me to demonize a massive swatch of the global population as anti-gun rants are going to convince me to demonize approximately 100 million+ gun owners in the US. Maybe if anyone brought up even...
  8. B

    What has the Nice attack told us now!

    As if on que the tone deaf comments start being trotted out again blaming a large group of people for the actions of a minority of said group.
  9. B

    Ohio Professor Offers Gun-Control Solution: "Storm NRA HQ & Make Sure There Are No Su

    Either you've managed to expose yourself to a statistically unlikely set of people or (more likely) you've put on blinders with regards to those who agree with your political opinion in order to support your worldview. Horrible people come from every walk of life, and pretending like it's just...
  10. B

    Colonel Brassy actually does work!!!!

    Mother's Mag is most certainty abrasive, as are most polishing compounds. Generally speaking, when you polish metal you're removing surface imperfections via abrasion. Whether or not you're removing a significant amount of metal depends on many factors including pressure, number of passes...
  11. B

    If guns are the real problem....

    That's hardly an accurate generalization, in my experience. However, I don't engage with the quips or "clever" retorts, I treat it as a discussion and a debate. It's worth remembering that the majority of people who espouse anti-gun arguments are, at the end of the day, people who are...
  12. B

    Would you support the No Fly No Buy List if they added Due Process?

    No. I don't let fear of the statistically insignificant control my actions and clamor for the removal of rights from my countrymen. I don't accept it when it comes to assault weapon bans and universal background checks, and I'm not going to arbitrarily start accpeting it now because the shooter...
  13. B

    Narrative Fail: Orlando Shooter Used Sig MCX not AR-15

    This is the biggest "gotcha!" joke of an argument I've seen yet. Whoop-tee-doo. I doubt that the majority of the gun owning public would know the difference, and pretending that not identifying the exact model of the gun is misrepresenting facts is asinine. It's an argument that means literally...
  14. B

    DNC Platform Committee Member Says Nobody ‘Should Have A Gun’

    If you think this is about having politicians with an "R" in front of their name instead of a "D" then I have some bad news for you.
  15. B

    DNC Platform Committee Member Says Nobody ‘Should Have A Gun’

    If I had a penny for every time someone has claimed that anything besides explicit support of the status quo is surrendering to evil, I'd have enough money to hold major political office in the US. If I've done a bad job of explaining it sufficiently, let me make it explicitly clear. I am not...