Recent content by Executive Director

  1. E

    WI: WGO at it again

    Why is NRA attacking WGO for 'clerical error'? Did NRA leadership make a 'clerical error' in support of statewide handgun ban? December 3, 2007 A recent NRA-ILA alert accuses WGO of "intentionally misrepresenting" the NRA's position on statewide handgun ban legislation -- a position...
  2. E

    WI: Danger! Memorial Day Gun Rights Alert

    May 22, 2007 Memorial Day 2007 Gun Rights Alert: SPENCER COGGS TO HARPOON YOUR FIREARM RIGHTS -- ONE DAY AFTER YOU CELEBRATE FREEDOM No compromise gun lobby to expose Democrat's Memorial Day sneak attack: WGO targets gun control bill through major media campaign Dear Gun Owner...
  3. E

    institutional gun lobby's silence kills concealed carry in WI

    WGO ACCOMPLISHES MAJOR GUN RIGHTS VICTORY - THE INSTITUTIONAL GUN LOBBY'S SILENCE KILLS CONCEALED CARRY Activists from Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO), Wisconsin's only no-compromise gun rights organization send loud, clear message: NO MORE GUNTROL (and, do your job and introduce a clean...
  4. E


    CONCEALED CARRY GUN RIGHTS ALERT Monday, January 16, 2005 Dear Second Amendment Activist: The silence is deafening. Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 17, 2005, is the scheduled vote in our state senate on Senate Bill 403 or, the Personal Protection Act - the shall-issue concealed carry...
  5. E

    Need info on

    Oleg, Did you receive our response to yesterday's e-mail? It kept getting bounced back to us undeliverable and we were not clear on whether you received it. We can resend. Please advise. CG
  6. E

    Why conservatives are suckers for gun control

    Today the Wisconsin State Senate passed Senate Bill 403 - the Personal Protection Act (PPA) - by a 23-9 vote. The bad news is that at least half a dozen gun control provisions - all given a silent wink and a nod by the institutional gun lobby - passed along with the bill. Now, the bill goes...
  7. E

    Need info on

    Wisconsin: Concessions Don't Work Wisconsin: Concessions Don't Work by Larry Pratt, Executive Director Gun Owners of America Legalization of a constitutional right to carry a concealed firearm will not happen for Wisconsin gun owners thanks to the governor's veto and the treachery of...
  8. E

    Need info on Are permit holders also gun owners by definition? Thought so. CG
  9. E

    Need info on

    "The WGO has been saying that Wisconsin should have Vermont-style (no permit necessary) concealed carry. We'd all like to see that, but it's not going to happen...Only the delusional would think that Wisconsin can go from having a total prohibition on concealed carry for 135 years to...
  10. E

    Need info on

    Gun Owners of America (GOA) is not our website - it's GOA's. We gain nothing from you buying a book from them, other than perhaps it might humble you into the realization that you didn't know as much about the political abstract as you supposed. Realizing you have a problem is a good, first...
  11. E

    Need info on

    Thanks Oleg! For the invite! Apparently I had an account set up with this forum - just no time to jump into the fray. Look for details about the on-going CCW sell-out coming soon later today (I'll start a new thread) with response to WCCA. I'll make myself available to answer questions...
  12. E

    Wisconsin: Police State, B'gosh

    Let's keep on topic here: The overriding offense is that police appear to be throwing the presumption of innocence out the window completely. Let's see your doctrinal dissertation on that topic, please. Punk runs into neighborhood, therefore the constitition goes with it -- to "protect"...