Recent content by Oldtimer

  1. O

    SHTF: only what you actually have

    The way I see it, when the "S" hits either the "F" or the "H" (I liked "Hacienda"!), there will most likely be a "transition period", from being relatively calm and peaceful to utter chaos. If you can't get your "S" together during that transition time, then you're going to need to "adapt...
  2. O

    Learning to survive - the hard way

    Tom Hanks in "The Castaway" (?), where he was stranded on a small Pacific island after the FedEx plane he was on crashed in the sea. Emergency tooth extraction! UGH! No one to talk to, other than "Mr. Wilson"! VCR recording tape used to lash trees and bamboo together, to make a raft! Making...
  3. O

    +1 for the Neighborhood Watch

    Yes, the "Neighborhood Watch" programs DO work, but they have to be coordinated properly. It sounds like your neighborhood has superb cooperation and the willingness to make it work! I was an LAPD "Senior Lead" officer, and was responsible for holding NW meetings in the community. It was a...
  4. O

    MSNBC and the North Hollywood Shootout

    #1: MSNBC is "dead in the water" as far as NEW reporting is concerned. They are RE-running RE-plays of "investigative reports" that were filmed as far back as 10 years! Even when those "investigative reports" were new, they were often quite slanted....but that is not NEW to MSNBC! #2...
  5. O

    LA county ammo sales?

    I believe that the only mail-order ammo ban is in the CITY of Los Angeles, not the entire county. On the other hand, I haven't purchased any ammo from on-line sources in about a year, but I don't think that the laws have changed (I live in Torrance).
  6. O

    Gun owners become target for ID thieves

    First of all, it's pure IDIOCY to list CCW permitees on ANY sort of computerized file, whether it's "confidential" or not! There are WAY too many computer "hackers" around! Secondly, and even MORE IDIOCY, is attaching names and Social Security numbers together on ANY sort of computerized...
  7. O

    Carry at work

    I'm now retired, so "work" is a four-lettered word to me. However, before I retired, I carried EVERY day at work for the 31 years that I was a...LEO! I'm bringing this up for a purpose! During my years as a LEO, I worked with hundreds of reserve police officers. They came from all walks of...
  8. O

    Perfect SHTF weapon

    Without a doubt, the 12-gauge shotgun is the "ultimate" weapon for "SHTF", even though it lacks concealability. With birdshot, it can drop small game for food. The larger sizes of buckshot work great for "defensive shooting". Slugs give you a longer distance AND "rifle" accuracy out to 100+...
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    HMM! What jumped out to me was, in your own words, you were using a "semi-Weaver" stance, and your "shooting arm was in place". Is there such a thing as a "semi-Weaver" stance? You probably meant a "modified" Weaver stance. Secondly, your "shooting arm was in place"! Now, EXACTLY what...
  10. O

    Drinking while Carrying?

    Consuming alcoholic beverages WILL impair your senses, even when done in "moderation". Consider the FACT that many "moderate" drinkers, while not technically "under-the-influence" by legal standards, become involved in motor vehicle collisions. Why? Well, the "moderate" amount of alcohol in...
  11. O

    This just ain't right!

    I have to agree with you, Hawkmoon. The blurb that the USMC "spokesman" gave sounded quite like a "political jab" that was both unnecessary and idiotic! After all, aren't battle weapons SUPPOSED to be "lethal"? I guess that, in that way of thinking, all cars and trucks should be "banned", for...
  12. O

    New Convert..

    Your house guest is 20? I think that he'll have to wait until he's 21 years old before he can buy a handgun, but he'd be able to buy a rifle at that age. I'd suggest a good .22, since they're fairly inexpensive, the ammo is still relatively cheap, and it will "enhance" his basic shooting...
  13. O

    I made contact with the enemy tonight...

    Gas syphoning with a hose has become "old technology". There has been a rash of gasoline thefts by suspects that puncture vehicle gas tanks and fill the "shorty" 5-gallon plastic gas cans. One victim said that they had allowed more gas to merely spill onto the ground than they had taken! By...
  14. O

    unmarked patrol cars

    You might want to see if you can get your state's "Emergency Vehicle Operation" manual. Some states FORBID unmarked police vehicles from being used for traffic stops. Other states require that the police vehicles have a 2-tone paint job (magnetic signs placed on the doors can qualify as a...
  15. O

    What do you consider acceptable accuracy when shooting with a red dot/holoscope?

    As with any vision-enhancing optics, when you pre-set them for a "given" distance, you'll have to re-set them for other distances. That's also the problem when using a lazer-sighting device. Your scores at 25 yards were "decent", and maybe even "optimum" for your firearm, the optics, the...