Recent content by Seotaji

  1. S

    Im in awe of my East German makarov again !

    the mak has a neat holster.
  2. S

    Gun Safe Blues

    top right above the handle. it was just a guess. since i held the handle in my left hand. i just started beating on it (rubber mallet - since everyone was asleep) and the handle started to turn.
  3. S

    Gun Safe Blues

    i would say hit it with a rubber mallet. that's how i got mine open.
  4. S

    Sig P250

    ease of cleaning? sweet.
  5. S

    A Service I have brought you.

    thanks for the reminder. it never clicked that i could use a bunch of those signs.
  6. S

    I Can Has Beretta?

    what are the specs of that rifle? what do you have attached to it?
  7. S

    Blazer Brass

    I would have to say the opposite. I've noticed that Blazer Brass has had poor quality brass and bullets (but clean), while WWB looked pristine, but left your gun dirty. Blazer Brass has gotten a lot better though, as I just purchased another box of 9mm and .40 s&w and you can tell a big...
  8. S

    Were your parents Anti or no?

    My parents are against them, even more so now that I have a son. As long as the 4 rules are followed and no one except me has access, I think it's ok.
  9. S

    Shootout ensues in robbery attempt

    thing is, i'm guessing she's not in the bathroom where the toilet was struck. that means that she hears a shot and the bullet is already lodged in the tank and water is flowing everywhere. i doubt her first reaction was to go turn off the water. either that or she is going to sue the guy...
  10. S

    Lubes ( An endorsement)

    I'll take some. Put me on the list for samples and anything else.
  11. S

    Concealed Carry Permit Renewal

    ^ that was my guess.
  12. S

    "I Designed A Pillow That Safely & Comfortably Stores a Handgun. What do you think?"

    what type of foam does it use? a combination of med. and high density would be good for support and durability. anything less and it might as well be a pillow from wal-mart.
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  14. S

    Shooting Budget

    i don't buy new guns, but if i do see a GREAT deal (i can find a good deal at wal-mart), i'll jump on it.