Recent content by Wess Rodgers

  1. W

    New Marine Rifle training

    insider details In the fall of 2004, I was corresponding with a Marine Gunner in Fallujah. Marine Gunners are warrant officers who are responsible for the tactical/practical performance of Marines. There are only 40-odd Gunners in the Corps, so they are a pretty elite bunch. My friend and a...
  2. W

    Saw end of "Windtalkers," now I understand

    Ill winds... Windtalkers was historical and cinemagraphic rubbish, but it was not without value. 1. It introduced a wretchedly ignorant American public to the fact that there were Codetalkers. 2. In the ensuing enthusiasm, several excellent books were published - books that would never...
  3. W

    Need help defending firearm ownership(Biblicaly)

    This is not a Biblical reference, per se, but, in my opinion, it is a SCRIPTURAL reference. It is from the Book of Mormon, Alma, 43:45-47. I would recommend the entire chapter to you, as it is a wonderful story of a people who find war thrust upon them. I know a lot of folks have trouble...