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duty size gun carry for ccw

It's extremely rare that a police vehicle, at least in my old department, had daylight thefts....that I heard about. After all, if you are dumb enough not to secure your cruiser, then you're probably not going to let anyone know about gear getting jacked. Sadly, from what I saw in the ranks in the years before I retired, departments are recruiting from "the special class" to fill positions in understaffed departments because no one with an IQ higher than body temperature really wants to do the job anymore and old hats are pulling the EJECT handle as soon as they have vestiture in their pensions.

Hell, the day I retired, I walked in to roll call, looked around and saw all the affirmative action hires and the ones who could barely compose a sentence in a report, or communicate in plain spoken English....and the "politician" female POC intersectional lieutenant who never worked a shift in patrol was giving a talk on inclusiveness, diversity, and tickling Elmo's inner muppet...and I went to personnel and signed MY papers, turned in my city gear and took an Uber home. Now they can pay some barely literate waterhead half what I made, and more power to them.

Okay. That hasn't been my experience. At work I've seen tens of thousands of dollars of stolen tools and equipment, almost all from locked vehicles, locked buildings, and buildings with on site security and cameras. It was rarely unsecured. Some of our crews had trailers that were getting broken into. When we got the trailers secure enough, thieves just stole the whole trailer.

I've been accused by police and employers of not doing enough to protect property, but I can't literally have all the stuff I'm responsible for in my presence all the time.

I'll lose less than 1% to the thieves. The bankers have taken more than that. Then the tax collectors and the doctors. Then the grim reaper will get the rest.
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This is my favorite.

Having said that, it seems the people most likely to notice you printing are the very people who you don't want to notice.

Cops, Criminals and other concealed carriers

We are allowed to open carry in TN..
I don’t open carry .. but Im sure at times I print
I really don’t care who notices..

But at times I don’t want to print.. I do have a choice of twenty six carry options.. and most of them can be concealed completely & comfortably .. if need be
And how does one carry such that access while driving is even achievable?
I've carried a large pistol strong-side IWB for years. Only occassionally carried an airweight J-frame as a BUG in a off-side front pants pocket.

Neither of these really works well for vehicle carry, though. I didn't like that. Especially in light of this trend in carjackings since 2019:


So I ordered a quality ankle holster and started carrying the J-frame on the inside of my non-dominant-side ankle any time I'm in the car for an extended period. Very easy to access while in a vehicle. Details here:

LOL. Those boys and the OC boys are the decoys. :)

You wont see those guys in the NPE's, where what you do really matters.

If you use the right gear and carry yourself right, you can easily carry full sized guns.

Or, you can do like my one buddy, and have that Walther TPH "Skoal Ring" in your front pants pocket. Size of the gun doesn't matter much if you arent doing things right. ;)