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  1. F

    The Big Heller Decision Discussion Thread - AFFIRMED 2ND AS INDIVIDUAL RIGHT

    " Note that they simply said that they would not pass judgement on where you can carry, not that they prohibit it altogether. As for dangerous and unusual, keep the work "and" in mind. A stinger missile may be dangerous AND unusual, an AR-15, even if an anti-gunner says is dangerous, is...
  2. F

    The Big Heller Decision Discussion Thread - AFFIRMED 2ND AS INDIVIDUAL RIGHT

    I'm breaking out the champagne! I am ecstatic! Even if it was only because I went to CNN and saw their reporter say, "The Supreme Court affirms that the Second Amendment is an individual right". I thought I'd never see the day! :D ...and reading the ruling is even better because Scalia...
  3. F

    The Big Heller Decision Discussion Thread - AFFIRMED 2ND AS INDIVIDUAL RIGHT

    Wow! I never thought I'd live to see the day. I am so glad and proud to be an American!
  4. F

    Bush DOJ does it again.

    Yup. It really shows you their motives, doesn't it? (to 'protect and serve' the people or to 'protect and serve' their power...)
  5. F

    Wow... just Wow

    Call the cops. Order a pizza. See which gets there first.
  6. F

    Pistol for police marketed to the public

    So the police unit has killed a lot of people, and they are angry at the gun manufacturer, not the police unit? ...Liberal logic carried to its natural end. :banghead:
  7. F

    Wow -- check out Pakistan Ordnance Factory!

    I would hope so...and their nuke facilities. Pakistan is one Drudge Report away from becoming Al Qaida controlled. I think we Americans need to stop being so comfortable with our "military superiority". Much of our ordinance is made on decades old equipment (if not from WW2).
  8. F

    Citi Credit Card Rejects Firearms Industry

    This stuff really ticks me off. I am going to call Citi bank and ask for a card...only to cancel the order mid-stream and tell them it is due to their gun poilicy. Office gossip does have a way of getting around, and even if the low-paid phone people joke about the call it will get to a...
  9. F

    People who carry concealed are frightened..

    ...the person is most likely in favor of banning guns. Ask them if they are "frightened" of other citizens who carry guns. If they say 'yes', respond that so are you, so that is why you carry. If they say 'no', then say it does not matter to them.
  10. F

    Bhutto’s assassin’s pistol type?

    You don't have to understand it. Just accept that it is there. It always has been and always will be. Then arm yourself.
  11. F

    Interesting New Gun Technology on

    Interesting technology. I obviously support its development for military applications. However, for civillian use (even when considering the Second Amendment and the need for militia-type weapons) it seems to me that it would go through ammo way too quickly. The pistol would be empty in a...
  12. F

    Denver AWB - What exactly is illegal/legal?

    Shhhh! :evil:
  13. F

    Rebuttal To Harvard's 2A Opinion

    I think someone should issue Harvard the George Wallace Award for advocating the supression of civil liberties and opposing the Bill of Rights.
  14. F

    New Euro gun laws with plenty of US bashing...

    "All European cows are registered Europe-wide, so why not guns...?" Unbelievable. A few years ago I would have laughed if someone said, "When cows are outlawed only outlaws will have cows" but damn, those Europeans are so Socialist they will do it. The militant vegitarians will do it. :eek:
  15. F

    USA Today holds poll on Second Amendment

    It asks, 'does it give individuals the right to own guns'. currently, 98% yes, 1%no Pound away!:)
  16. F

    using mace on the BG: rules?

    Mace Rule #1 When assaulted mace the bad guy. When he is laughing at you draw your pistol and shoot him.
  17. F

    Repeal the second amendment

    Hey, I see this article as a victory for our side: they admitted the Second Amendment does indeed protect individual citizens' right to keep and bear arms. Why would it need to be repealed if it didn't prevent the type of laws they want to pass? Guess what? It does! :)
  18. F

    What are reasonable gun laws in your opinion?

    I thought I did answer that question directly: a jury of one's peers decides if the accused is guilty. I made it very clear that I did not say that everyone who commits any crime should "be locked up until they can be trusted, if ever". I said very clearly that the punishment should fit the...
  19. F

    What are reasonable gun laws in your opinion?

    I am not advocating anarchy, I am advocating that we not restrict our rights. Let me give you an example: Say a disgruntled bigot hates people of a certain race. He decides to go out one night, hide in a bush, and wait until he sees someone of the race he does not like. Then he shoots...