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  1. D

    Beware of loose pocket holsters!

    Thanks for the kind words, folks. I fully agree that I might be overreacting on the not carrying into houses with kids part and I might revisit that later, but I don't think I'd be comfortable carrying in the Superfly again. It's probably a fine choice with jeans that are a bit tighter or cargo...
  2. D

    Beware of loose pocket holsters!

    The pants fit. I actually think no holster would have been more secure than the Superfly. The Superfly has a slick nylon inner surface and some rigidity. As you said, with no holster my pants would have held the pistol in place. The Superfly, not so much. That's why I felt I should warn people.
  3. D

    Beware of loose pocket holsters!

    This is my first post. I've been lurking here for a few years but never felt I had anything to contribute. Now I do. I'm writing to caution everyone against pocket holsters that don't really grip your weapon. For the last couple of years I've been pocket-carrying a Ruger LCP in a Recluse...