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    Would you be in your right to discharge your fire arm in this situation?

    The problem is zminer, they are not just one person. Youtube has thousands of vids just like this one. It must be some sort of ghetto expression/statement or something. I saw a similar incident in my hometown about a year ago when a group of trash were making fun of a construction worker...
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    Would you be in your right to discharge your fire arm in this situation?

    This person makes a good argument for genocide. Time to clear the ghetto!
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    Would you be in your right to discharge your fire arm in this situation?

    No problemo, 2Lman. It pays to be bilingual.
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    Would you be in your right to discharge your fire arm in this situation?

    Heh, heh. Blackbear, not only would you be justified, it would be your duty to put that animal down. I can only give you a partial translation on what he said, but I'll try. "I am the alpha male of this neighborhood...I sell crack cocaine and prostitutes out of my vehicle...I have been...
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    Does it have a name?

    I named my Garand "Monica", 'cause it's Hillary's worst nightmare.
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    What Gun For Pirates

    How about one of these? It would make short work of any pirate vessel.
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    Road rage about to go wrong?

    That's why I have ICE on speed dial on the cell.
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    What is the draw to the Mosin/K98/Mauser style Milsurp Rifles?

    I love mine! I think all of the above is the correct answer for me. It does clear out alot of people from the range when I fire it. On the other hand, I've had a few people ask about it and one fella traded me shots with his AR and Ak. Two weeks later he had an M44 and a M38. Today I'm...
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    Gunstock repair question.

    Howdy folks, I was wondering if you could give me some advice. My M1 stock has a crack at the wrist of the butt stock starting where the heel of the receiver seats and is V-shaped. It looks like a chunk will fall off if it gets worse. Also, when I shoot it, the gun feels "funny". Is there...
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    What guns do you own?

    Here are a few of my "arsenal". Right now I'm grounded from them until I bring my grades up. GRRRRRRR!!!:cuss:
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    That's the FIRST place they look

    The thing that frightens me is if they totally destroy my house in the search. Like ripping out walls and floors, busting up televisions, ect.
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    M44 Carbine For Defense?

    The first shot from an M44 would definitely take out crack head #1. The second crack zombie will prolly fill his space-diaper after he hears what he believes is a 16" naval gun going off as zombie #1s head explodes. Practice cycling your bolt, you'll surprised how fast you can get off multible...
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    finally cleaned my Mosin....

    I still get cosmoline outta my 44 after 6 months when it heats up. Those Rooskies love their cosmoline. Why do you think they named their astronauts after it?
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    Nancy Dis(Grace)

    I think Markowitz meant, was that the average person doesn't take home defense seriously as long as it's happening to the other guy. Of coarse I have all the locks, lights, bang and whistles. However, if those were to fail me, the POS will experience lead-in the head syndrome.
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    Nancy Dis(Grace)

    Heh, heh. I never looked at it like that, Dorryn.
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    Nancy Dis(Grace)

    I guess so, ClickClick. Pass the buck instead of the ammo.
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    Nancy Dis(Grace)

    Last night on the Nancy Grace show they did a small segment on Home Invasions and how to protect yourself. They went on to say that H.I.s are on the rise and homeowners should invest in dead-bolt locks, window bars, and motion detection lights. NOT ONE MENTION OF FIREARMS OR ANY OTHER WEAPON...
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    finally cleaned my Mosin....

    I just used Hoppes # 9 and a 20 gauge brass brush attached to drill to clean mine. It works great. Don't worry about the recoil. You'll get used to it.
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    I broke my Ruger

    Chief Wagner is very disappointed in you. You should have protected thy sausage.
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    New Member? Introduce yourself here (just intros, questions get answered elsewhere)

    Owen, I think I was able to hide the asbestos. I am worried about the lead-paint chips though. I used to eat them like Doritos and I have yet to experience any side effects. I also eat waaay too much red meat. Perhaps I need to buy me one of those Tae-Bo tapes.