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  1. R

    Wisconsin Gov Doyle gives Ok to open carry

    Hunter Rose and all. I share your frustration, but I am on the other side. It is legal to open carry in Wisconsin and people do it all the time. People do it in every major metropoliton area in the state every day without a problem. How does that happen? At least two ways. People who...
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    Another clueless dolt on WI CCW

    This weekend I had the misfortune of interacting with another citizen of Wisconsin. In the course of our business he mentioned he was an NRA Life Member and a significant collector of lever action rifles. Then he proceeded to tell me how if the PPA had passed that he was afraid there would...
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    WI: we may have a traitor on CCW. What to do?

    Dick, Perhaps you could be a little more vague. Who is waffling? What is your source? What exactly did they say? Details please! These types of comments don't make you look important. Jeff
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    Open carry in Wisconsin??

    Defense walk being planned Those interested in Wisconsin CCW or Open Carry should check out this link Jeff
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    Louis Awerbuck in WI August 6-8

    Louis Awerbuck in WI Friends, This class is on! We still have some room in the class. Anyone that registers is guaranteed to receive some unique training and plenty of face time with Louis. Please e-mail me with any questions. Jeff
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    Louis Awerbuck in WI August 6-8

    TACTICAL HANDGUN -STAGE I with Louis Awerbuck August 6,7 & 8th 2004 Oconomowoc, Wisconsin This three day course is designed to create reflexive gunhandling, good marksmanship and tactical thinking, this course encompasses shooting from a ready position, the drawstroke and shooting from...
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    MN members - Rally a the State Capitol, April 28!

    I congratulate those who worked so hard in Minnesota to restore their rights. You have truly earned the right to celabrate! Now if we could just get organized with the same skill and passion here in Wisconsin we might have a chance. I am truly envious of the organization, planning and plain...
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    WI gunowners: a rant

    Hang in there Dick! Dick, I agree and sympathize with many of your points. During one of the gun shows I worked I was approached by a man. When I asked him to please fill out a postcard he replied : "There are too many nuts out there already with guns". I must admit I was shocked and...