2nd Amendment Form a Militia!

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Sep 26, 2007
With the threat of Obama taking away our gun rights, I was wondering what it would take for all of us, including pro gun organizations, to form a legal militia? By doing so, we would be in keeping with the 2nd amendment in both categories, a militia, and the right to bear arms. Think about it!
I was wondering what it would take for all of us, including pro gun organizations, to form a legal militia?

Maybe something akin to the horror and grimness of the Warsaw ghetto in the early 1940s.

A definite maybe.

Unfortunately, the Warsaw ghetto uprising was ultimately unsuccessful in that the Germans, fed up with guerrilla warfare, eventually bombed and burned the ghetto and filled its bunkers with poison gas to systematically flush the resisitance out.
If you are an American between the ages of 18 and 60 you are a member of the militia...You don't have to join...You already are...I'm 66 and I refuse to retire from the militia...
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