An easier (for me) method of making paper cartridges.

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Aug 30, 2007
Valliant, OK
After ordering the kit from Dixie many years ago and giving up on ever making a tapered dowel rod, I came on this method of making paper cartridges. It doesn't involve any glue or tapering.

Step one: Get a dowel rod of appropriate diameter, my dowel rod is actually a handle cut off of a wooden spoon, and lay it over a gummed cigarette paper:


Step two: roll the paper over the dowel rod and moisten gummed edge.

Step three: slide the paper partway off the rod, and drop a bullet into the paper. This photo isn't very clear, but I think you'll see what I mean:


Step four: twist the end closed over the bullet and remove the tube from the dowel:


Step five: add powder:


Step six: twist closed and tear off excess tail. Below are two cartridges, one with 2.5cc for my Walkers, the other with 2.2cc for my Army and Navy Knockoff:


Easy to make, no gluing required, other than the gummed edge. Don't roll the paper over the dowel tightly, leave enough slack to allow it to easily slide on the dowel. For loading, I break off the powder end twist, pour the powder, then remove the ball and seat it. I don't try to seat paper and all. The paper is "ZigZag 1 and 1/4."

If someone else has posted this method earlier I didn't see it, so sorry for the possible duplication.
I've tried Wonder Wads, just never have cared much for them. Nothing wrong with them, I reckon I'm just a tightwad and don't like spending the extra two or three cents.;)
I have to say that's more of a cheap "speed loader" than a paper cartridge. I used to do what you are doing except I used rolled up newspaper. (because it's stronger and a lot cheaper)
If you want a tapered rod, just chuck it into your drill. Run it over a rasp and then sandpaper.
I think Smokin' Gun uses phone book paper, which he nitrates in dissolved potassium nitrate, first. I've also heard that you can dissolve some smokeless powder in acetone, and paint the finished cartridge in that. I haven't tried it though.
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