anti-gun Honda car ad?

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Mar 18, 2008
Just saw an ad from Honda where a bunch of guys were shooting it out with squirt guns. Then the voice on the ad says "what if we could replace something harmful with water" then flashes to their new hybrid fuel car.

Is there a double meaning here or am I reading too deep into this?
I really think you all are reading to much into it.

The scene in the commercial was a major shootout with the firearms replaced with water guns and grenades replaced with water baloons.
Yeah, you are reading too much into it. I just watched it on youtube and it's intended to be funny. The guys with squirtguns are the type who ought to have squirtguns.
I really think you all are reading to much into it.

The scene in the commercial was a major shootout with the firearms replaced with water guns and grenades replaced with water baloons.

Tell that to the Arizona,Bataan Death March,Iwo Jima,Saipan,Okinawa,et alia survivors.
These are the among the most cold blooded folks on the planet.
No thank you,Honda.
Does paranoia run in your family, or are you starting a new tradition? (Sorry, I can't seem to get the sound track from Fiddler on the Roof to kick in here) :D TRAdi-shun, tradition.

I think it was done as a "We've got a 'new' technology here that is less harmful to the environment, and we want you to buy one." Probably with a P.S. that water guns hurt a lot less than bullets.

Not to worry. :)
I think it was done as a "We've got a 'new' technology here that is less harmful to the environment, and we want you to buy one." Probably with a P.S. that water guns hurt a lot less than bullets.
I'm looking at it this way--it was intended to be joking. However, I do think they could have picked a different item to do that with--like replacing cars with bikes, for example :D
harm·ful (härmfl)
Causing or capable of causing harm; injurious.

I don't really see where they are out of line. All of my firearms are capable of causing harm...
I understand the commercial was done in jest, but the underlying message seemed to be that guns are silly out dated concepts. Sort of reminded me of when hippies used national guardsmens' M1 garands as flower vases.
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