Any Pro-RKBA jobs/internships out there?

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The Undertoad

Sep 27, 2003
Hi all. I'm trying to find out what I'm going to do with myself this summer. I don't want to work at a restaurant or as a cashier again! I want to hopefully find something that'll build my resume, as next December I leave college and find myself in...gasp...the "real world!" :eek:

While looking online tonight, I found my school's career services office has a search engine for jobs/internships. Guess what popped up on the first page? "As a Stop Handgun Violence Intern, you will have the unique opportunity to be a part of the exciting, controversial and high profile movement to end gun violence." :cuss: :barf:

My parents live in the Reston Virginia area, so I figured I'd look on the NRA's website! See if they have anything for college kids...but their site was hard to navigate and I gave up. I wouldn't be averse to moving out of state for the summer. It'd be a good excuse to get an apartment with my girlfriend, as well. ;)

Another thing I was considering was summer police work, as I want to work as a LEO after graduation. Unfortunately the Williamsburg department has an Auxiliary force that they use in the summer (big tourist town) so they don't hire seasonally. Ocean City Maryland, on the other hand, does. I'm not sure I can do that though because there are required training sessions I'd have to attend during the schoolyear. :(

So - any ideas?
What Moparmike said, only I'd take it a step further and when some moron spouts off with some of their more inflammatory rhetoric and faulty logic, gently question that and point out the inconsistencies between their reasoning and the statistics {which they manipulate in their favor, sometimes} or facts. The stats that come to mind most readily are the figures about children and firearms deaths. They define a child as anyone under the age of 21. And those statistics do not allow for the exclusion of juvenile offenders shot by other offenders in turf wars, drug wars, or by LEO or Law abiding citizen's while the juvenile is trying to commit a crime.
Go get 'em!
OTOH, if you really tick those folks off, don't ever list them on a resume.
LOL...Thanks for the replies everyone. Looks like there isn't much out there, huh? That's disappointing but not surprising.

Mike & Holly - believe me, the thought crossed my mind immediately. But I really dislike being duplicitous, and I doubt my conscience would let me survive through the interview process. ;) I'll have to give it further thought.

gun-fucious, unfortunately I simply can't afford to work unpaid, unless it was part-time and I could work a part-time bluecollar job at the same time. I mean heck, I get $9.50/hr making sandwiches all summer... I'd be happy if I could do that nights and weekends and get a day job, paid or not, where I felt really good about what I was doing.
I have a knife store and I'm always looking for help. Part of the problem with small business though, is pay and benefits.
Sorry for the week hiatus. I was at a tattoo convention, and now I have to play catch-up with my art projects and schoolwork. (Currently writing a paper on Geronimo, it's due in an hour).

Skills - I can write, I can clean and cook, I'm good at dealing with customers. I am basically de facto assistant manager of a Subway - I open, close, do money deposits, count inventory, receive shipments, and unfortunately lay people off. I can run statistical analyses. I'm a pretty fast learner, after 3 weeks I was tied for being the fastest cashier in my entire Target store. Personally I think that says more about the other employees than about me... ;)

I think I'd be a good salesman as long as I was selling quality products that I believed in (no Fury knives! :uhoh: )
DVDtracker - You run life, liberty, etc, right? I bought some of the "Peace Through Superior Firepower" pins last year, gave them out to my friends - they loved em! :D

I'm an art minor. Was going to double major, but I can graduate earlier and with a lighter course load if I just minor. I do mostly oil painting and printmaking (woodcut & lithography), I've never worked as a graphic designer. But I'd be willing to give it a try certainly. PM or email me with more specifics...I'll see if I can draw up some ideas. If you like 'em, we can go from there, if not - no hard feelings. :D
Life, Liberty, Etc... yep, that's me. If you're decent at doing plain old line drawings, I could use your help. Drop me an e-mail...

MicroBalrog, I received your e-mail and will be contacting her shortly.
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