Any recommendations for over-the-clothing gun/utility belt?

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Sep 10, 2014
I'm looking for something I can put on over my shirt or even a jacket and carry my gear off the belt. I am fond of the Wilderness Titantium belt but it only comes in 1.5" width and I was thinking a wider belt would be better for this purpose. I am seeking feedback on models and what widths you find work best. Maybe 1.5" is wide enough.

I'd be carrying a full-size pistol, mag pouches, large fixed-blade knife, a radio, and a small pouch positioned in my low back region.

Do a google image search for battle belt

Lots of options. Most are
Molle attach though and heavily padded
How big are the loops on your holster, mag pouch, etc? That may be the limiting factor. For most concealment type gear, 1.5" is the normal loop size.

For what it's worth, the other versions of the Wilderness belts typically are available up to 1.75" wide.

If you're buying all new stuff, police duty gear, or cowboy type rigs would probably work for your application as long as you buy the belt big enough to go over your outerwear.
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