BAD lever

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Aug 6, 2007
East Texas
I'm left handed, and have been eyeballing the BAD lever (magpul or any of the other mfg's) to make it easier to release the bolt on my AR. I'm tired of my left hand trigger finger being a little too short to reach the bolt release.

If anyone has a BAD lever on their AR, would they be so kind as to dig their gun out, hold the gun like they are left handed and tell me if the right hand thumb can press the lever easily after doing a mag change? Also, does the lever running through the trigger guard interfere with pulling the trigger at all? It doesn't look like it does, but looks can be deceiving.
I cant hit it with my left thumb, but the oversize stop button on the lever is easily reached with my left trigger finger. You actually dont need the lever if youre a lefty.

The lever itself doesnt get in the way either, and its not an issue in the trigger guard as it is.

Being a lefty, you could probably just cut it off, and just use the screw on button portion.
Yup, that you could do without any troubles. Its actually a very quick way to do it too (I just tried :) ).

The only thing you might have to watch is, the lever makes dropping the bolt a little touchier than it is without it being there. If you just bump it during the mag change, the bolt will probably go forward.

Probably really not an issue, you just have to be aware of it.
The BAD lever does work for lefties. I use the BAD on all of my ARs, and while I am right-handed, I train on manipulating the weapon with my reaction side for when I do shoulder conversions, or in the case I become injured. The BAD helps make the AR more ambidextrous. I use my thumb to either push up to catch the bolt, or push down to release the bolt. For left-hand operation, your right thumb is what is ideal for manipulating the lever. The lever basically sits just under the mag release button.

Here's a picture. Keep in mind that I have freaky small hands and I can still manipulate it after inserting a fresh mag.

Yes the BAD lever rules.

I'm a Lefty. I can malf drill and reload faster lefty then right handed now. The BAD lever is very easy to hit with your right hand thumb.

Just like how you use your right thumb to drop the mag. It's natural feeling to sweep the BAD lever for me.

The only bad thing is when some competitions require you to lock the bolt back and keep it locked back and open after your stage is done. When your rifle is hanging on your sling you may bump the BAD and send the bolt home. Not really a big deal. Most ranges just want you to show clear, then you can close the bolt anyway.

PS: When you install it it may slide around on the ping pong paddle a little. Glue it's base down with Red Threadlock. That will keep it from sliding on the paddle and will feel more solid. Becareful not to get any on your screws, but you can use a little Blue on the screws.
BAD LEVER plus 1

I'm right handed but have BAD's installed on all my AR's and couldn't live with out them now. It's a good example the KISS principle.
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