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Bad LGS experiences

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2 bad, 1 good

LGS #1 When I was shopping for my replacement 10/22, I came to a gunshop with the one I wanted hanging on the wall. As I entered, they handed the gun to an obvious rookie who dropped it in the process. After that guy wandered off, I asked to look at it. I'm sure it would function, but it had seen a rough life already. The stock was scratched and there were rusty marks from a dozen sweaty hands. I told him I'd buy now if he could give me one that wasnt on display. He informed me that what is on display is what is for sale. I asked if I could get a 'used' price to negate the damage on the gun. He scoffed at me and told me its part of the 'character' of the gun. I dont mind some character, as long as I was the one who 'characterized' it. As I handed it back I noticed the pile of boxed 10/22s in the back. Would it be so hard to sell me one that was still taped shut?

LGS #2 The place I learned to shoot is under new ownership. The new people are spending all their money making the place look nice, instead of selection. I dont care if I buy a gun in a 'pretty' building. As I entered, they guy behind the counter sized me up and decided I wasn't buying anything. He went back to his conversation, turning his back to me as if to make a point. I was looking at the 6 guns in their display case and was about to ask about a consigned weapon. I could overhear the conversation, he was complaining about all these "broke *** MFs" that waste his day. To be fair, I dont wear new clothes, I wear "working man" clothes. But just to prove my point, after trying in vain to get his attention several times in this empty store, I took out $1000 cash and started fanning myself with it. He immediately snapped to and came down super friendly, "How can I help you?" I looked him straight in the face and said, "I have immaculate hearing, work on your attitude." Then walked out.

LGS #2 (range) Same place has a range, different employees run it. I took my friend down there to shoot his brand new gun. We stood in line and waited as the counter guy berated an obviously new shooter who asked genuine questions. When we got up there I scanned the display, they were all Glocks. They were trying to sell us on a "rent all" thing. When I told the counterperson I didnt want to rent 10 versions of the same gun, he ranted on about how little I knew about "real" guns. I thought, "I hate to tell you this, but I could probably outshoot you and your Glock with my XD." I almost got into an arguement, but instead pulled my buddy back outta there. I called my brother, told him to bring his glock. And the three of us went out of town and shot down a tree or three.

I'll go back in a year, hopefully they will have changed their ways. I miss the old owners.

LGS #3 My fave LGS earns major points for treating everyone with respect. I looked thru the case and they didnt have "Exactly" what I wanted. I said, "I want a gun you dont have on display." He scanned the case and asked, "What don't I have?!" I rattled off the specifics of what I was looking for. He grinned and said, "Yeah, I dont have that, but I'll get it for you." As he went to get his order book he hollared to the other counterperson, "Thats a GUN PERSON." The other customers eyed me like I was Rambo or something, it felt great. It arrived from the factory a day or two later. When I entered he was finishing a handgun sale. The customer paid, and the counterguy said, "I'll see you in three days." The customer started making a scene and yelling, "I want my gun! This is Bull S---". Cool as a fan, the counterguy said, "Yes it is! You should write your congressman!" He thumbed thru a booklet, and laid it in front of the customer, pointing out an address. He looked up to me and then said, "Do you have your CPL?" I grinned and pulled out the CPL, and reciept. He looked them over and handed me my gun. As I left the customer went off again. That range is the furthest one from me, but I go there 1st everytime.
Yes, they were the ones who supplied LAPD with a few guns. I think that was good to do for the individual officers who needed rifles at the time, but I also think that the higher-ups in the department and some of their cronies should have been prosecuted for improper transfers, and then fired & jailed. Their terrible treatment to the good citizens of that city in terms of CCW issues to my mind justifies some harsh medicine. Yes, most of the other LGS's have been long run out of town.
Does anyone remember the old, now closed B&B Sales in North Hollywood, Ca?
'Nuff said.

Yes, I do. Had to take a number to talk to a salesman. Was looking for a Remington Mountain Rifle. They didn't have one in the caliber I wanted. They did have a Winchester in the right caliber, but I didn't want a Winchester. Told him thank you, but no and he started in with a "You think you'll be able to sleep at night?" routine.

My brother had a bad experience with them trying to buy a Springfield M1A.

They did pass out AR carbines to police officers to deal with the North Hollywood bank robbers. They ran into a bit of legal problems for it, but somebody explained things to the Powers That Be and got them out of hot water. Later, they put a mark up on the ARs and sold them as the carbines used to take out the badguys. Maybe they were
As soon as I walk in and see the guy behind the counter and the weird-looking gump sitting on the stool on the other side I leave. Where do these people come from? Thank God for the internet.
I have a story about a LGS. I had two Colt OEM 7-round 1911 mags I wanted to trade for a box or two of 45 ammo. I brought the two mags in, brand-new, looking to trade them for two boxes of PMC 45 ACP ammo they had on sale. The gun shop agreed. They then did the paperwork (just a receipt), and upon asking for my ID and realizing my age, they refused on the basis that they cannot sell me handgun ammo. Mind you, I showed them my MILITARY ID, told them I was active duty, and they didn't care. I was 19 at the time but so what? I already owned the Colt 1911 in the first place and NM state laws say 18 is the minimum age to own a handgun but these clowns didn't want to trade my HANDGUN mags for HANDGUN ammo. I ALREADY have the gun, nothing they do or refuse to do is going to change the fact that this 19-year-old had a Colt in the car. They were just being jerks following their arbitrary gun shop policies. Another policy of theirs was no discounts for active duty military but big discounts of you're a cop. I never shop there anymore.
Um, it is illegal under Federal law for a dealer to sell handgun ammunition to anyone under 21. There is no exemption for military personnel.
The clerks in the shop were not the jerks here.
Um, it is illegal under Federal law for a dealer to sell handgun ammunition to anyone under 21. There is no exemption for military personnel.
The clerks in the shop were not the jerks here.

Then why bother selling pistol-caliber rifles to people under 21 like any other rifle if they can't buy the ammo? This is why I only buy my ammo online, I only have to be 18 and can buy any caliber I want.
Because someone between 18 and 21 may purchase a long gun. And he can purchase ammunition for that long gun, even where it might be a pistol caliber.

I always ask customers who might be under 21 what they are shooting the ammo in. If they say a pistol then I ask for ID and if under 21 deny the sale.

It's a gun law. It doesn't have to make sense.
Yep. Stoopid, but true. You can own a handgun at 18, buy one from a private party at 18. But you can't buy a retail gun or the ammo for it until you are 21.

Sometimes when I buy pistol ammo from Wal-Mart they ask if it is for a hand gun. That's why. I'm in my 30's, so I'm well over the legal age. If it wasn't just part of their jobs, I'd give them a snarky comment and let them stew for awhile, but it wouldn't serve any purpose.
Yeah, laws don't make sense. I can't buy ammo in Illinois. I didn't know this, and commented that I should get some of that too when my friend, who lives there, grabbed some.

The clerk, who had heard I was not from there said, "We won't sell ammo to you, you don't have a FOID card" to which I responded something like "I wouldn't want ammo bought from your commie liberal state anyways, it would probably make me gay and socialist." or words to that effect.
In an attempt to get this thread back on track, I remembered another one...

I'm in a LGS that I have spent literally thousands of dollars is... I'm on the brink of being a loyal customer. I find a gun online that he doesn't have in stock, and says that he couldn't get for me. I win an auction for a Romanian PSL, and have it shipped to his shop for a transfer (previous conversations with the shop owner had yielded me the information that FFL transfers were $10.)

Gun gets there. Before we do the paperwork he walks over to the register and says "That'll be $70."
Shocked I said, "you told me transfers were $10!"
Him: "Yea, transfer is $10 then $60 in sales tax."
Me: "The gun is from Iowa, I don't have to pay sales tax..."
A sly smile spreads across his face knowing that he had been caught (again, I'm obviously waaay too young to know about firearms) He says: "Look son, the gun is here, and it'll cost ya $30 to ship it back, and another $30 to get it shipped to another FFL... so if you wanna walk outta this shop with that gun, it'll be $50."

I don't know if any of you have ever been 20 years old before... but the sheer amount of testosterone pulsing through my veins made it almost impossible not to clobber him... after regaining composure I realized he had me by the proverbial testicles... I didnt really want to get the police involved (Did I mention he was the Mayor of the town) so I quietly paid him $50, and never returned...

From this day forward everyone that I meet that is even marginally interested in guns, I tell them "Stay out of Gun City in Barling, AR"

Last I had heard, he had so much inventory that isn't moving, he cant even afford to take a trade... has to have cash. Poor saps with NO BUSINESS SENSE
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