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Buy THR!

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Dec 22, 2002
People's Commonwealth of Massachusetts
No, this is not meant to suggest that Oleg Volk is tired and wants out of running this forum.

I am suggesting that those THR'ers who do not peruse The Trading Post on a regular basis are missing some great opportunities to buy or sell items. I did a very little dealing on TFL, but since THR came up I have been buying and selling regularly and have met some awfully great people in the process.

This is also a good way to support your fellow THR members as we participate in the great sport of buying, selling, trading, and trying new items within our shared love of firearms and shooting.

Try it, you'll like it!
Done lots of business on TFL/THR. So far, have only had good experiences.
Couldn't agree more.

Just completed my maiden voyage in the world of long-distance transfers through a trade with LAWDOGKMS on this board. Swapped something I didn't use for something I will, and made the acquaintance of a great guy in the process.

Can’t beat that! :D
The best deals I've been involved in for gear, mags, and knives, have been done online, and more than a few with THR members. Which reminds me, one of my better deals was with Frosty, his own self! :D geegee
Look at all the positive feedback in the Rate Private and Retail Transactions section of this site - lots of good traders, one or two bad apples.

Be sure to Trade here and also share your feedback on traders, good or bad... we don't have an Ebay style 'rating system', so we rely on word of mouth.
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