Congress Gets Muslim

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Congress Gets Muslim

The first Muslim elected to the United States Congress is a Democrat from Minneapolis with ties to an Islamic group that supports terrorism and a radical cult whose leader says God will destroy the entire white race and establish a paradise nation ruled by blacks.

Minnesota’s new Representative in the House, Keith Ellison, was endorsed and partly financed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a massive U.S.-based organization that avidly defends Osama bin Laden and other militant Islamic terrorists and considers U.S. action against terrorists anti-Islamic. In fact, the group demanded the removal of a Los Angeles billboard describing bin Laden as “the sworn enemy” because it was “offensive to Muslims.”

Ellison, who converted to Islam as a 19-year-old college student, also has strong ties to the Nation of Islam, the black cult led by renowned anti-Christian and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. The group’s doctrine states that black people created white people in a genetic experiment 6,000 years ago and that “Judgment Day” means that the Gods will destroy the entire white race (devils) and establish a paradise nation ruled forever by blacks.

As if this weren’t enough to question the choice of Minnesota voters, as a state legislator Ellison supported and defended a convicted cop-killer and leader of a violent gang. Ellison used thug-like language to attack law enforcement officials as racists saying “we don’t get no justice, you don’t get no peace.”. Ellison also supports and demands freedom for another convicted cop-killer named Assata Shakur, who lives in Cuba and remains on the FBI’s most wanted list.

Perhaps having Ellison in the House, represents a victory for violent criminals worldwide. Little Green Footballs says they’ll be celebrating in Gaza tomorrow.
The 'urban' voters don't care about the candidate or his views on political issues, only the color of his skin.
Yeah not much "news" there, heard most of it before the election. Americans are a fascinating people, no?
i've seen and heard him

and in spite of his obvious shortcoming (the d after his name) he seemed ok to me.I'm not a total fan of Louis Farrakhan but he espouses/implements a fair amount of good stuff between episodes of lunacy.When hes gone now we might wanna watch out for the fight over his power
The first Muslim elected to the United States Congress is a Democrat from Minneapolis with ties to an Islamic group that supports terrorism and a radical cult whose leader says God will destroy the entire white race and establish a paradise nation ruled by blacks

Before we get too huff-and-puff about things like this, we need to quantify "ties" and "supports". I'm not saying I particularly like the idea of a muslim in our government, but bloggers and writers will often really reach to make alarming connections that aren't really there.

I fit turns out that he belong to a mosque that actively funds terrorist activities, we have a problem. Somehow I doubt that is the case.
What are the sources for this blogger's info?

Wacky as it sounds, Ellison is tied to Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam, and this is just part of their belief system. Farrakhan himself claims to have been transported to the "mothership" orbiting Earth, where he conversed with the (dead) prophet Elijah Mohammed. Farrakhan's anti-American, anti-semitic speeches are full of strange mystical and numeralogical references and defame our country and support its enemies world-wide. Now one of his people has a seat in our congress.

Welcome to the twilight zone.
Sources? I dunno, maybe newspaper articles and other stuff. It's fairly common knowledge in the Twin Cities area.

Ed Morrisey blogged pretty extensively on this guy see:


The Twin Cities area is a hotbed of far left moonbats who are altogether too PC to even think about the conflicts of electing a Muslim activist to represent them in Congress.
*I'm not saying I particularly like the idea of a muslim in our government,*

I personally find this statement very offensive and a sign of why gun owners are seen as backwards by many people.
I personally find this statement very offensive

I'm not here to make people feel good about the violent religion they've chosen to embrace.

a sign of why gun owners are seen as backwards by many people
And muslims aren't? Gun stores don't preach from a book that condones the killing of infidels.
I hate to be a thread killer, but how on earth does a politician's Religious preference have anything to do with RKBA, the 2nd Amendment, or guns in general???
Azizza *I'm not saying I particularly like the idea of a muslim in our government,*

I personally find this statement very offensive and a sign of why gun owners are seen as backwards by many people.
Ain't that what's great about America? The dude is TOTALLY free to not like the idea, and you're TOTALLY free to be offended by it, and Ellison is TOTALLY free to run for Congress AND be Muslim. Wow. Now that we have settled that issue, how do we go about preserving that freedom? I have no desire to deny Muslims their rights, but you gotta recognize that they want to deny us OURS.

Sorry, I know this post isn't going anywhere, I just felt like ranting. The FIRST is just as important as the SECOND.
Well.. this here is a nice reminder as to why we don't talk much about religion at THR.

Might I offer the reminder that there is a difference between jihadi wackjob muslims like the ones we're killing, and decent folk muslims like the guy who runs this board.
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