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do punisher grips make your 1911 "nerdy"...?

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I actually like the punisher grips. I have a "punisher" watch and it's quite the nice looking piece. Most of the 1911's i've seen with punisher grips look quite nice to me. Besides, it's your school lunch box, you can put whatever ou like on it.

As to Airsoft, some of those pistols are really great knock-offs as far as copies go. I'm not criticizing the remark about them, but I was completely fooled by a youtube video the other night that featured an airsoft version of some gun. I felt like an idiot. But hey - it looked nice.
I don't know about you guys, but the first thing I'm doing when I get a 1911 is putting "Hello Kitty" grips on it.

Ok, three rules when it comes to guns, nothing should be pink/purple or any color that makes someone go "whats that?", no cats made to excite four year old japenese girls, and no cartoon crap. Whats next barny the stupida$$ dinosour?
Only One RULE !
Do what you want its yours !

No on Second thought the World revolves around me .:D
Only do what I like .
Punisher grips I give the go ahead . ;)
if you get them from 1911stuff.com get the gritty ones. i like how those fit in my hands. feels solid, keeps me on target. If your weapon can perform the same or better with any mod, go for it. But loosing functionality for the sake of being cool is just dumb. As far as court goes, we have more work on gun rights then fancy grips.That's like saying your a bad driver or a drug dealer just because you have a nice paint job. Be educated, polite, and armed. Maybe then we can restore our second amendment rights to what the founders intended.

Zombie thread!!!!

Run for your lives!!!
Break out the Zombie Guns!!!
The answer to the question is an unqualified yes.

They would make you look nerdy.

If you want nice-looking black or dark gray grips for a 1911, go with G10 or micarta grips in the color of your choice.
"Nerdy"? No.

Embarassingly tacky, yes.

But unlike a tough guy tribal barbed wire tattoo around your arm, this mistake is painlessly and easily corrected. And instead of doctor bills and scars, you will be left with a pistol that pretty effectively says "kick ass" all by its self.
I joined here a little while ago because I got tired of just lurking and leaching all the info I could. Over time I have frequented this forum less and less because of people not taking "the high road" when it comes to their comments (whether it be about sporterizing old mil-surps, anything concerning a tattoo, general customization threads, or the ever popular caliber wars).

This thread here was the final straw for me...this bookmark will be gone from my computer. The most childish thing I have seen on this thread are the "grow up" and "i would keep an eye on you at the range" comments.

To all those that have given thorough and intelligent responses on this forum...thank you for all the information I've gotten. To the rest...no wonder gun grabbers think we're all just a powder keg waiting to explode. Look at all the aggression and petty feelings displayed here.

On topic...yes, those grips make you nerdy. Welcome to the fold. I'm sporting some smiley face grips on my Para GI Expert. Buy 'em! Rock 'em! Love 'em!
That's your complete right Cap'n, but you'll be hard pressed to find better. I believe what you're describing is 'regression to the mean'. When THR was 30000 or so members, it was quite good, very high road. As we get more members (currently approx 92K) the average goes back toward the average gun board. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation also seem to regress.

Oh well, these things are fluid. I believe it's still one of the best places for information and far above the average gun forum in civility, intelligent discourse, and (usually) grammatical correctness. It's up to us to keep it so.

(P.S. I realize it's not 'exactly' RTTM as that takes into account a given statistical population.....and etc.)
C'mon Trainwreck, this is all in good fun. I don't think anyone asking whether Punisher grips on a 1991 look nerdy really meant for a serious answer.

I read this forum mostly because there is an amazing amount of collective wisdom to be learned here. But from time to time I laugh out loud reading some of the posts. I like it here.
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