Do you "vote your guns"?

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Only pro-gun candidates get my vote. If there's no pro-gun candidate in a particular race, I don't vote for anyone. The pro-gun test is applied to every candidate, from school board to US Senate.

Generally, a candidate who's pro-gun also seems to reflect my other views.
I've noticed that pro-2A candidates tend to also be capitalist anti-statists, at least compared to the antis. In my district, with the exception of President and US senator, I had a choice of a right-wing, reactionary, protege of Atilla the Hun, and his evil twin brother.
I voted the incumbants out, NO on the questions, to not retain all the judges, and went home a happy man.:D

"and that government OF the people, BY the people, FOR THE PEOPLE, shall not perish from the earth." Lincoln

"A nation's strength should be measured by their compassion." Bruce Springsteen.

I guess I just don't agree with you. I'll vote to better a person's standard of medical care, widen a person's chance of securing employment, vote to guaranty a child has a right to social services to keep them healthy, well fed, cared for and insured before I vote to protect my guns. Will I vote for a pro-gun candidate? Definately. But before I place my vote, I want to be sure my candidate is pro-people, and will help those that are at mercy of government whose primary concern is big business and helping the weathly get filthy rich. Democrats aren't the only suffering morality programs. I didn't notice those big Repulication CEO's that robbed people of their company's pension high on the compassion end.
Mastrogiacomo: "A nation's strength should be measured by their compassion." Bruce Springsteen.

I've been a huge fan of Bruce Springsteen for decades. I've also realized his failings, which include an inability to articulate a thought that couldn't be encapsulated on a bumper sticker, and the fact that he skipped most of his classes in high school (most pointedly, grammar).

When I was popping zits in high school, I though John Lennon held the solutions to the worlds' problems. My complexion cleared up, Lennon went away, and my sight cleared.
Well, that's your opinion. For a dumb ass, it didn't sound like a stupid statement to me, but I guess if you put guns before health care, jobs, a better standard of living for children who need social services -- yes, I guess it is pretty stupid. But then as my mother always said, "Don't expect anything from people" including compassion I guess...

No reason to get angry; we are all friendly here.

I guess we could play dueling quotes, if you'd like. But it's more interesting to just discuss things and see where the discussion leads us.

I think you are looking at what these people promise, and not at what their programs actually accomplish. They promise to feed the hungry, to provide good health care, to provide a better standard of living for children in need, to provide better education, etc etc.

All these things are noble, compassionate goals. But are they accomplished, by forcibly taking money from people who have earned it, and giving it to those who have not earned it? I don't believe they are.

To use only one example. I'm not going to do your homework for you, but I challenge you to research the amount of money spent in each state on public education, and correlate that amount of money to the standardized test scores. We are continually being told that if we want excellence in education for all our children, we must raise taxes and pay for it. Well and good. But do the test scores show us that spending more money on schools is the way to improve education? Go look it up and you can tell me.

Okay, quite apart from that. You seem to want to grab the word "compassionate," and apply it only to people who are willing to take money from their neighbors at the point of a gun. I do not believe that this is compassion, even if they are going to use the stolen funds for something good -- and even if the plundering is legal at the moment. I think taking money by force is wrong no matter who does it and no matter what is done with the stolen goods.

Personally, I think it's only compassion if it comes from your own pocket and is done voluntarily. Whatever it is that these people are doing, is not compassion by any measure I would call reasonable.


Politicians never accuse you of 'greed' for wanting other people's money --- only for wanting to keep your own money. -- Joseph Sobran
The 2A and abortion are my two litmus tests. I also go out of may way to vote against people wanting government health care, expanded social services, etc. The way to help people in tough times is absolutely not by expanding government, any government.

I'd actually love to vote Libertarian but in doing that I might as well vote for the damn Dem so I hold my nose and vote mostly straight Repub.
If they are an incumbent I usually vote against them. Gun control laws are still in the books so I figure they had their chance and did nothing about it. Never trust a politician.
The two issues I vote on are the 2nd Ammendment and the environment.

I'm in the mining industry, typically the same people that don't think you should own a gun, don't like you digging large holes in the ground.

Definitely a major issue, if one candidate has a pro-Second position that is clearly stronger than another candidate, that is the candidate that gets my vote.

In the case of a Republican or a Democrat that are equal on Second Amendment issues - some party (possibly Republican, possibly third party) that does not have the destruction of the Second Amendment as part of their national party platform (*cough* Democrats *cough*) gets my vote.

However, give me a Charles Stenholm, John Dingell or a Howard Dean and I'll vote Democrat.
You mean there's another issue. ;)

Seriously though.

My first question about any politician is whether or not he supports my right to own a firearm without licenses and registration. If the answer is no, it doesn't matter what he says after that. Any pol who doesn't trust me with a gun, doesn't deserve my trust, or my vote. :scrutiny:
I vote the guns.

But, the wife votes the womb.

We're both pro-gun, pro-choice, but the priorities are different so we usually vote differently.

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