Does owning a gun/CCW extend your life on average?

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Freedom is more important than absolute safety, Habeed. Even if it could be guaranteed that all criminals would be disarmed if guns were banned, it STILL wouldn't be worth it. Public safety does NOT trump Individual Liberty. Not now, not ever.

And also, have you ever really thought about what a gun-free society would be like? Think: middle ages, where the large & strong rule over the small & frail. There's a reason they call them "the great equalizer." And if you say "the police and government would still have guns," well then you are NOT anti-gun, you are anti-freedom, period.
I hope you never get your wish. I have enjoyed being an adult and would not look forward to having a full time nanny in the form of a government.
I would not go hunting without my own gun, nor would I go without shooting regularly to be sure of my accuracy... both would be prohibited in this scenario

Unless the technology you talk of actually aims the gun for you, there would still be gun deaths...

We are into fantasy now, with the talk of disarming everyone.... if we want to talk about a fantasy world we should do it on

But since you brought it up, there is an answer for that as well (probably several, but here's one)

Think this in there too while you're at it.... removing guns from the criminals would not make them any less criminal.... now you are at the mercy of hopefully being bigger/stronger/faster/ or a better fighter than the criminal that attacks you...

A firearm levels the playing field for everyone.... with it a 23 year old college girl has the same potential to protect herself as does any criminal out there.... and all it takes is a rather small amount of time getting familiar with a gun, not 23 years dedicated to the martial arts....

I'm a decent sized, well fit man.... but there are still a LOT of criminals out there who could take me down in a fist fight.... and they know it too....

There are no firearms in prison.... sounds like the perfect control group.... go test your theory in there.... :)
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Habeed-First thing that needs to be remembered here is "there are 3 kinds of lies-lies,damn lies, & statistics." Many have suggested you research what study this is based on & how they came to their conclusion. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that data can be manipulated to produce any result desired by a person with an agenda. I believe from reading your posts you are probably young & idealistic. That is fine & good but as my Mother told me at an early age "don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see." I would suggest that you always think critically & research anything told you. By the way there is a site you might check out with a study with slightly different results.
What you imagine as a perfect world sounds like hell to me.
What I've been told/heard is this;

On average every person will encounter an instance once in their life that truly threatens their life. That being the case, you can chose to do nothing or do something. One must focus in on the fact that chosing to do nothing is still a decision! If you would prefer to survive your encounter it is on you and you alone to be able to do so!

Does having, owning or carrying a firearm extend one's life? I say NO! Knowing how to use a firearm and demanding of yourself that you survive to see another day, that extends your life span! The rest is just details!!!!!!!!!!!
That said, what is the profile of people who (or their children) get accidentally killed by a gun in the house, or their children commit suicide or homicide as teens? Generally, it is people who just had a gun around but never taught proper respect for the weapon. In other words, they never practiced proper firearm education for themselves or their children.
A real life case given in ethics class : there was a woman with a motor neuron disease that had nearly fully paralyzed her. However, she could still feel excruciating pain from her body, and was bed ridden. Since she could not pick up or use anything, she went to a hospital in California and asked the doctors there to relieve her suffering while she voluntarily starved herself to death.
What did the physicians there do? Did they respect her wish to die? Nope, they wrote her up for a psych consult and ultimately shipped her off to a psychiatric institution, where she was pumped full of drugs and given therapy and eventually decided she didn't feel like killing herself. The woman is still alive today, although her medical condition has gotten no better


her medical condition has gotten no better

To me this appears to be malpractice. One should have the right to go out on ones own terms.
Yeah, given that scenario it would appear the psychiatric hospital brainwashed her into thinking life is worth living, even in excruciating pain 24/7 and bedridden. She does in fact have the right to end her own life when she sees fit.

Being suicidal is not necessarily indicative of a psychological problem.
I'm also a medical student, and have heard the exact same things that the OP is describing during various lectures.

Regarding suicide, peer-reviewed mental health studies routinely show that firearms are statistically the most effective tool for suicide in America, with preponderance for the male population, usually elderly. Trying to refute this will ultimately be fuitile, and just make the pro-gun side appear to be detached from reality.

That being said, I really don't think you can make a rational argument for disarming the populace or further infringing upon a fundamental Constitutional Right based on potential for abuse by suicidal people. If guns were banned, because of this, eventually prescriptions for greater than 3-5 doses would have to be banned, followed by razors/sharp things, and bridges/cliffs. It could very easily be the case that the other methods of suicide would experience drastic increases in success rates following a gun ban. For example, females tend to be less successful at suicide than men, but female doctors are the most successful group when they decide to kill themselves. As a group, they overwhelmingly use prescription drugs and medical training to know exactly what dose to kill themselves with. As others have shown, other parts of the world experience higher suicide rates than the US, many of which have governments that ban firearms ownership amongst their subjects.

From my perspective, the mechanism by which a depressed person takes their life is irrelevant and purely an academic venue of research with no clear translational uses for the bedside. What is relevant would be the lack of adequate medical attention as well as support available to those that do kill themselves. It is often the case that elderly men, abandoned by their families/friends, who then develop depression exacerbated by somatic illness, kill themselves via firearms. Blaming the firearm demonstrates poor logical reasoning skills, or an interest to deflect criticism from the current state of psychiatric care.
Disarming everyone is a horribly barbaric idea. The firearm is the best force equalizing tool in existence. Removing the firearm simply makes larger humans more powerful than smaller humans.

Obtuse is probably the word I'm looking for here.
I think that anything worth saying was said a while back.

To address the OP - the notion that free will can/should be removed from the human species is highly self-destructive to the species, and probably moreso than most any behavior stemming from an exercise of that free will.
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