Dr. Condoleezza Rice's view of gun rights.

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If you believe the polls Brit Hume had on the tube tonight, just about anyone would beat Hillary. Although I only saw Giulliani and McCain v. Hillary. She got squashed by something like 20 or 30 points in both hypotheticals.

I wonder what those numbers would look like with a Rumsfeld or Rice v. Hillary. Probably alot closer. Everybody loves a RINO :rolleyes:

- Gabe
Today on a local AM station they were discussing a poll outlining which Republicans, if running today against Hilly, would beat her and by how much.


All would beat her.

Funny thing is the poll included no conservative Reps, just RINOs.

Someone please convince me there is not already a "vast left wing media spin conspiracy" to put Rudy or McCain in the front runner position for the Rep nominee in 2008. All I hear is Rudy this, and Rudy that...... :barf:


Sorry, buddy. To do so would be an act of trickery.

The media will try. But that doesn't mean they will succeed. McCain tried and failed to make it through the GOP primary system. Rudy is pro-abor--er--choice and will likely get hammered in debates and grassroots activism.

The GOP has several possibilities for candidates in 2008, but they will have to start in 2005 to get national name recognition and funding/party backing. They will also have to decide if they really, really want it.

Read the Newsweek issue (last week) which had reporters inbedded into the campaigns all last year (vow of secrecy until after the election). In it, well before his melt-down in the Iowa Caucuses, Howard Dean, leading in the polls, broke down and sobbed to his overly-caffeinated campaign manager, internet guru Joe Trippie, that he, (Dean) didn't really want to be president. He just wanted to push issues, like helath care, etc.


It's going to be an interesting four years.

Rebar said:
As Secretary of State, she'll have no impact on the issue either way.

Oh yes she will.

The US has been single-handedly blocking the UN (Canada, Australia, Norway) efforts to control the "trade in small arms." Every gun I own would be within the UN definition and thus in danger.
Thanks, bg. I'm finding that my admiration increases with each new piece of information I read about Dr. Rice.

(on titles: I still claim my privilege as a citizen to refer to the President, either fondly or in annoyance, as "Dubya" :) )
Re Rice and Kissinger, Kissinger story went as follows.

Word got out of his appointment as Sec. of State, which brought the media types running. They asked, among other things, about how they might refer to him. Would Dr. Secretary or Mr. Secretary be more appropriate. Kissinger supposedly smiled, and after a moment had passed, offered the following.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is no sense standing on cerimony, YOUR EXCELLENCY will do just fine.

"Rudy is pro-abor--er--choice"

Nice THR-style-catch there Rick

Somehow the Dean story strikes me as 100% factual. He impressed me as a man that never really had is daily Prozac dosage dialed in correctly, medical doctor tho he be.;)

He will, however, in my Republican opinion, make a (capital E) Excellent DNC chair.

Rudy is a northeasterner, fairly liberal, whose track record on 2A rights is questionable. He would probably be a good #2 on a ticket.
Sec. of State can be the de facto no. 2 position in the White House, actually. There is enormous potential power in the chair if the President backs the Sec's position, as he will in this case. I don't know how much the RKBA is going to come up, but simply having someone with that worldview in such a position makes me more comfortable. The RKBA, after all, isn't about firearms but about how you view government's relationship with the people.
The US has been single-handedly blocking the UN (Canada, Australia, Norway) efforts to control the "trade in small arms."
I stand corrected.
As a gun-owning, bigoted, knuckle-dragging, redneck hick who doesn't live in The Big City and isn't as edumacted as those intellectual liberals, I'd vote for her!
Itgoesboom is not the only one who has been thinking about a VP Cheney resignation about two years into the second term. I have been thinking the same thing for a couple months now. Another little stint with the heart doctors, he packs it in, and everyone is a happy camper. Sure would be a setup for the top spot. Dr Rice could be good, but does she really have the hootspah? You know, that dynamic, out in the public, chirisma that just makes people want to hurry to get to the polls to cast a vote. I'm sure some libs see Ms Hillary that way. Not being electable doesn't mean you can't do the job. Just means you can't get elected. As far as having her at head of state, maybe she can have an impact on the UN small arms conference. We certainly do not need the rest of the world telling us that the second amendment is not a good thing. sundog
Even if she lost, it would be worth it just for the debates. :)

- Gabe
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