Essential Reading For Libertarians

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Example: some of the more aggregious types of body piercing have the effect of cheapening the human body, by permitting people to desecrate their own flesh. This cannot be psychologically healthy, yet the NAP would not permit anyone to stop it.
So what? If some idiot wants to put a 5-pound steel bar through his neck, what business is that of yours? He hasn't, after all, tried to put it through your neck...
... by permitting people to desecrate their own flesh...

The key words here would be "their own". Personally I don't think you should need anyone's "permission" to do anything to anything that is "your own".
Forget about property rights, someone appearantly wants the government to control what he can and can't do to his own body?? :confused:
Seems alot like some fundimentalist middle eastern countries to me.... Beards anyone :evil:
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