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I'm thinking at gun lockers lining Cali's border. Drop 'em off when you enter, pick 'em up when you leave. See, creative and effective.

Mr. Blood of the AP, neither you nor me nor anyone else can control human behavior short of a human game preserve. . . . .wait, Cali is a human game preserve. Disregard my comments.
Gordon Fink said:
However unwittingly, this is what all the “anti-” folks are working toward. To achieve control over personal morality, the anti-gun crowd, the anti-abortionists, the anti-drug establishment, the anti-obscenity types, the anti-immigration movement, and others must first finish destroying privacy. Though these groups may oppose each other in some cases, they have this one goal in common, which is why they are all so dangerous.

~G. Fink
I agree with a good chunk of this. Although personally, I believe that they're going to get their asses handed to them eventually. Privacy is a big deal among the "intellectual left" that comprises ACLU and EFF types, and that type of thing won't sit well with them. Most of them are not even aware of the severe personal privacy erosions that have taken place in the name of firearm prohibition and when they find out, they tend to react very negatively to it.
That’s exactly the problem. Here are just a couple typical examples. The anti-gunner wants firearms registered, not realizing that by weakening privacy protections for gun owners she is also laying the groundwork for the reprohibition of abortion. The anti-drug gun owner wants the police to have more power to search for illegal drugs, not realizing that this would also give them more power to search for “illegal” firearms.

~G. Fink
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