Excelent short animation about gun control

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Isn't it interesting that the arguments against gun control can be made so simply and understandably and without tear-jerk emotionalism.

Arguments for gun control all seem to be based on complex theories that are largely not understandable and/or based on some tear-jerk story or stories designed to win the hearts of people who don't know any better. The gun banners cannot argue with rational ideas, and consider self defense to be an absolute horror. Maybe it's because they have never experienced violence personally or that they have their own personal armed bodyguards to protect them. Can anyone say Rosie O'Donnell or anti-gun politicians like Teddy Kennedy?
he gun banners cannot argue with rational ideas, and consider self defense to be an absolute horror. Maybe it's because they have never experienced violence personally or that they have their own personal armed bodyguards to protect them.

It's called Wussification. Basically the idea is that those that can and will defend themselves make those who don't have the will to do it feel inferior so rather than fix the problem the weak willed ones attempt to remove the daily reminder of their "wussiness" by banning guns. Then they can say "Well I WOULD defend myself but guns are illegal so I can't".

I've seen better explanations for it but, all kidding aside, it does explain an awful lot of the anti gun thinking.

The first time I read an article about this idea I thought it was a joke but it actually does make sense.
Liberalism is based on emotion, not facts or reasons.
After all, gun control is "FOR THE CHILDREN" even if they are 100 times more likely to drownd in a swimming pool. You can't reason with emotional people.
Liberalism is based on emotion, not facts or reasons.
Liberalism is based upon inalienable rights, including the right to keep and bear arms -- similar to the right to say what one wishes, worship whom/what ones wishes (if one wishes), and to sleep with whichever consenting adults one wishes. Wishy-washy, 'let's all talk about how great we are while we let the government be our overlords' 'Liberalism' is quit different.
matt88 said:
Liberalism is based upon inalienable rights, including the right to keep and bear arms -- similar to the right to say what one wishes, worship whom/what ones wishes (if one wishes), and to sleep with whichever consenting adults one wishes. Wishy-washy, 'let's all talk about how great we are while we let the government be our overlords' 'Liberalism' is quit different.

matt, Are you sure you are not confusing liberalism with libertarianism? Who sponsored and signed the assault weapons ban? The Brady bill? The Gun Control Act of ,'68 or the National Firearms Act of 1934? All Democrats and all liberals.
Owen Sparks said:
matt88 said:
Liberalism is based upon inalienable rights, including the right to keep and bear arms -- similar to the right to say what one wishes, worship whom/what ones wishes (if one wishes), and to sleep with whichever consenting adults one wishes. Wishy-washy, 'let's all talk about how great we are while we let the government be our overlords' 'Liberalism' is quit different.
matt, Are you sure you are not confusing liberalism with libertarianism? Who sponsored and signed the assault weapons ban? The Brady bill? The Gun Control Act of ,'68 or the National Firearms Act of 1934? All Democrats and all liberals.

I'm sure. 'Libertarianism' (in this context) is a reactionary term against the misuse of the term 'liberalism', as used in its modern American sense.

All Democrats for sure, and perhaps all identifying themselves as liberals, but not liberals - they do not stand for individual liberty. They may claim that they do, and they may indeed stand for liberty on some points, but that's quite different from standing for true individual liberty.
Liberalism has been hijacked and come to mean progressivism.

True liberalism means a more liberal, i.e. more open or encompassing view of rights and freedoms. Like "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" would be interpreted as all people may possess pretty much whatever arms they wish. This right, in a liberal sense, should be applied equally to the entirety of the human race. The tendency should be to apply the words and spirit of the amendment to the broadest applicable level.

Somehow, liberalism has been replaced with progressivism, which cast laws and rights as mutable, depending on the good of society as a whole or the views and mores of whoever is leading the progressive movement.

Liberalism is good for everyone. Progressivism is a slippery slope leading to an alligator pit. With pirhannas. And poison snakes.
Ok, I'm done lurking. I watched the 'related' clip with good 'ole Shatner and had to post! +1 for watching Boston Legal now. "Thank God for guns, huh Jerry?!"

I've got a smile on my face again :)
Classic liberalism as espoused by Thomas Jefferson is equivalent to libertarianism by modern standards.
Current liberals are collectivists and statists. While they believe in many extremes of personal liberties such as sexual perversions, they do not believe in the rights of private property or the ability of the individual to use force to protect his property. Quite a difference from the mindset of the founding fathers.

This really goes beyond the scope of this post but if you watch the related six part video you will gain insight into the nature of collectivism vs individualism and learn why the right wing National Socialists, Nazis, are really little different than far left wing Communists as they are both collectivists.
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