Finally escaping PRK! Some questions about NC

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Davi's is high on guns and their range charges are per hour. They alos have a no-holster policy (no presenting from the holster) and you can only fire one shot every 3 seconds. PDHSC is a better place to go with unlimited hours for one fee, not as many gun rentals, but holsters are peachy and you can fire as fast as your heart desires. No long arms though unless they're .22 or boomstick. Davi's does allow long arms.
OHHH yea...I forgot to mention something...

We also dont think it is funny to compare us to white trash...

I hate Jerry Springer...and not just because he is Canadian

Just kidding around, my friend!

I'm taking a bike trip in July from Vegas to Kentucky, and have never been to any state east of Arizona. I can't wait to see all these beautiful states and am sorry I won't get to see them all. :)

I get Jerry twice a day - 11am & pm! :D
Wow, thanks for all the information! I'm VERY excited to be getting out of here, that's for sure. Even though Raleigh (where I'll work) and Chapel Hill (where I'll live) are liberal, compared to California they'll probably seem conservative to me at first. Plus I can deal with ninnies as long as they don't take away my damn RKBA like they did out here!
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