Flashlights sure have changed a lot in twenty years.

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Yeah, flashlights got amazingly good in recent years. The little AAA single-cell flashlights I carry every day are better than the old Maglight d-cell monstrosities from just 20 years ago (except in their ability to be used as a truncheon).

I have an affinity for flashlights made from copper. My regular rotation is https://darksucks.com/collections/foursevens/products/preon-p1?variant=12120336433265 and a Maratac that is not currently available but is very similar to https://drop.com/buy/massdrop-copper-aaa-pocket-flashlight#overview

As good as these little lights are, there's basically no reason to ever not have a light handy. And, yes, they are FAR better than the flashlight function on a smartphone.
Ah yes. So many improvements. In the early '90s I was busting open the standard flashlight bulb and soldering in my own LED to make a red light for backstage use. I made a few in white but the red made a wonderful tool for working in the dark.

Now I've become a Streamlight fanatic and own a dozen different models. More then I need, but who can resist dual-fuel, or built-in USB charging, or batteries with with their own charger?
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For a higher end flashlight, I picked up a LED Lenser FR1 rechargeable nearly a year ago. I haven't put it through the paces that I've put my Coast HP1 through, but so far, seems good.

Out of all the things I carry in my pocket every day- pocket knife and flashlight- the flashlight gets used a whole bunch every day. It's one of the handiest things I use.
That depends on which flashlight you get. Some of the new ones have all aluminum bodies and take C or D cell batteries. They still make large maglites (3 D Cell batteries) the same way with the exception of having an led bulb.

I wonder if an LED bulb can popped into an old 6 D Cell maglite or the top from a newer 3 D Cell model screwed on if need be.
yes ! I dug out my old 6 D cell mag lite and found a new LED style lamp for it , the old beast is as good as when it was new back in the 80s
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