Freeze +P

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Feb 13, 2007
I currently have a can of Freeze +P, but have some Fox Labs OC on order. I thought about getting Sabre Red DPS as it was recommended by another member, but read such good things about Fox Labs that I had to order some.

How does Freeze +P compare to Fox Labs spray? I know the Fox Labs spray doesn't have CS in it, but then again it's more than 2 times the SHU.

Anybody here have experience actually using both to give me a rundown of the effectiveness compared?

The local PD carries Freeze +P according to the LGS (which is a major supplier to the local PD).... but online I hadn't read all that great things about it. I only bought it to hold me over until I decided between Fox and Sabre Red.
and no... this is not Frozen Pepper Pee Spray as I saw it referred to in another thread when searching. ROTFLMAO
Freeze +P is mostly CS gas. I dont remember exactly how much OC is in it, but its a very low concentration. From what Ive heard, you can't mix a high concentration of OC with CS because the 2 together solidify or become too thick.

CS gas doesn't work well on people who are drunk, on drugs, insane or highly enraged. You know, the kind of people you would most likely have to use it on.

I would still go with the Sabre Red DPS. It has a 1.33 % CRC level (CRC levels are how to properly determine OC's heat, not SHU's) and its HPLC tested to make sure it has its claimed content. Fox Labs claims a 0.66 % CRC level, but Ive heard that its quality control varies and its been tested as low as .33-.40 % CRC. Tricloroethelyne, the carrier used in Fox Labs OC is what makes it so effective. Its a solvent that disolves the oils in the skin on contact and makes the OC penatrate faster. Burning on the skin helps, but OC's main targets are the eyes and respiratory system. Any OC in the eyes is going to burn INSTANTLY (i know from accidental experience). So I would go with the one with the higher CRC level, which is the Sabre Red DPS. I would buy both and do some testing. First hand experience with these sprays is a real eye opener, er, i mean eye closer!

Below is a link with an explanation and chart of OC's that were tested.

An good article on defensive sprays

Sabre Red being sprayed on volunteers
Fox Labs sprayed on volunteers
do some testing?

I've done that once with MACE brand... and.... never again.

Maybe I will get Sabre Red as well.
We tested both on a recruit class a few years ago when we were evaluating new sprays. One group was hit with the issue spray, 1 with fox, and one with Sabre Red. The consensus was the Fox hit harder and faster, with the Sabre a close second. Sadly, due to one very fair skinned range officer reacting badly to the Fox, the decision was made to stick with what we have already. I wasn't there for the testing, but have heard from several of my trainees about the experience.
On a personal note, I have experienced the joy of Fox 5.3 first hand. I spray a lot of people at work due to the number of violent mental patients I get dispatched on. As a result, I get spray on me a lot. I've been sprayed several times by coworkers with poor aim trying to be helpful. I take spray pretty well as a result. At least, I take OUR spray pretty well (and its pretty decent stuff, Mace 5.5% w/ 1%cs, equivalent to Freeze +P except water based carrier). Fox, on the other hand, is truly nasty stuff. I took a hit from it once. I will never voluntarily do that again. Incredible, rapid, lasting pain.

Short version, either will do you very well indeed. Just be ready to go to alternate means if it doesn't work.

On that note, you might want to zap some into the air so you will know what to expect if you have to find yourself in a struggle in the "fall out' zone after a deployment. I don't know about Sabre, but Fox seems to linger in the air quite a bit.
This echoes my experience with Fox. I've never dealt with Sabre Red, but Fox is about a BILLION times worse (read: better) than Freeze +P. Freeze isn't bad, but it doesn't seem to settle the recipient down as quickly as Fox.

And, like the previous poster, several members of our study group (read: guinea pigs) required medical attention afterwards. Chmical burns to the eyes was the biggest complaint.

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