Gephardt launches presidential campaign

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Dec 25, 2002

Gephardt launches presidential campaign
Democrat says 'experience matters'

Wednesday, February 19, 2003 Posted: 11:12 AM EST (1612 GMT)
Rep. Dick Gephardt:
Rep. Dick Gephardt: "I'm not the flashiest candidate around."
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ST. LOUIS, Missouri (CNN) -- Rep. Dick Gephardt, a 26-year veteran of Congress who failed to return Democrats to power in the House, announced his candidacy for president Wednesday with a broad attack on Bush administration policies he said "left us isolated in the world, and stranded here at home."

Entering a crowded Democratic field, the Missouri lawmaker promised to repeal Bush's tax cuts and use the savings to deliver health insurance to "everyone who works in America."

Gephardt, 62, also sought to distinguish himself from lesser-known Democratic rivals by embracing his long record in politics. "I think experience matters," he said in a text of his address. "It's what our nation needs right now."

"I'm not the political flavor of the month. I'm not the flashiest candidate around," said Gephardt, whose 1988 presidential campaign fizzled after winning the Democratic caucuses in Iowa. "But the fight for working families is in my bones."

Surrounded by friends and family in the gymnasium at his former elementary school, Gephardt said, "I love America. I know we can do better. I know we can do more. Here in the home of my values, here at the heart of the American dream, I announce my candidacy for the president of the United States."
NAME: Richard A. Gephardt.
AGE-BIRTH DATE: 61; January 31, 1941.
HOME: St. Louis, Missouri.
CAREER: Practicing attorney 1965-77; St. Louis city alderman, 1971-1976; U.S. House, 1977-present; House Democratic leader, 1994-2002.
FAMILY: Wife, Jane; three children.
QUOTE: "It is time for me personally to take a different direction, look at the country's challenge from a different perspective and take on this president and the Republican Party from a different vantage point."
--Comment upon giving up the House Democratic leadership position in November.

The Associated Press

While saying he supports Bush's efforts to disarm Iraq, without the United Nations if necessary, Gephardt said the president's go-it-alone rhetoric has alienated allies. "We must lead the world instead of merely bullying it," he said as Bush wrestles with skeptical allies over his plans for a possible war in Iraq. Last fall, despite objections from many House Democrats, Gephardt worked closely with the Bush administration in drafting the congressional resolution authorizing the use of force to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

"I'm running for president because I'm tired of leadership that's left us isolated in the world, and stranded here at home," he said.

Gephardt, the son of a milk truck driver who belonged to the Teamsters, returned home in an effort to soften his public image and argue that his roots shaped his political career.

He accused Bush of presiding over "the economics of debt and regret," and called White House tax cuts "unaffordable, unsustainable and patently unfair."

He blasted Bush's education, environmental, budget and homeland security policies, then said: "Never has so much been done, in so little time, to help so few."

Crowded field

Seven other Democrats already have formed presidential committees or say they intend to do so: former Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and New York civil rights activist Al Sharpton.

Moseley-Braun and Kucinich were expected to take the first step toward a formal campaign by announcing the formation of exploratory committees Wednesday, or later this week, depending on when the Federal Election Commission reopened in snowbound Washington.

Others are considering bids, including Sens. Bob Graham of Florida, Christopher Dodd of Connecticut and Joe Biden of Delaware, along with retired Gen. Wesley Clark and former Colorado Sen. Gary Hart.

Dean, Edwards, Gephardt, Kerry and Lieberman have gained distance from the rest of the pack thus far, either by simple name recognition, frequent travel or strong early efforts to organize in key states.

In his speech, Gephardt said he would "put hardworking Americans first again," an echo of former President Clinton's 1992 "putting people first" campaign slogan.

He pledged to start with health care reform and pension protection.

"Without the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, we can finish the unfinished business of providing high-quality health coverage to everyone who works in America -- saving billions, and stimulating one of the biggest sectors of our private economy," Gephardt said.

He outlined a plan to give employers tax credits that would cover "most of the cost" associated with providing health care coverage to their workers. With the new incentive, businesses would be expected to offer health care coverage to full-time workers, aides said.

They said the plan, which will be detailed in a separate speech later this year, could eventually cost as much as Bush's 10-year, $1.3 trillion tax cut plan.

The health care initiative is the cornerstone of an ambitious policy agenda designed to win what Gephardt called "the contest of ideas." It is his answer to critics who say other Democratic candidates have more momentum or charisma.

Gephardt also said he would create:

• A trust fund for homeland security costs.

• A single pension plan that would follow workers from job to job.

• A Teacher Corps in which the government would help pay tuition for students who agreed to teach for five years after college.

• An international minimum wage, different for every nation, that would be established through the World Trade Organization.

As House minority leader, Gephardt ran the Democratic House campaigns in 1996, 1998, 2000 and 2002 -- gaining some ground but never seizing control from Republicans. Two days after Democrats lost seats in November, he resigned his leadership post amid criticism from party activists and began to plot his White House bid.

The sandy-haired youthful-looking Gephardt has built a formidable fund-raising network as House minority leader.

Years of unrelenting campaign travel for Democratic candidates, plus his own 1988 presidential bid, brought Gephardt in contact with scores of party activists, many of whom owe him a favor or two.

His opposition to trade agreements has won the praise of labor leaders, though their endorsements this year are far from assured.

But many Democrats wonder whether Gephardt has grown stale and unable to excite activists. They are looking for assurances that he could beat Bush.
I love who people actually vote for candidates that explicitly tell you that they will take your money away to give it to someone else.
Back in November on TFL I said that Gephardt would run (you can run a search and find it). Nobody believed me then, they all thought he had “shot himself in the foot†but he hasn’t. Just wait and see, in November 2004 we will see Gephardt against Bush. Might even see Gephardt join up with Lieberman.
Gephardt is an Eagle Scout. He refused to comment on the Democrats attempts to destroy scouting a few years ago. Way to take a stand congressman.


A trust fund for homeland security? This would be held in trust for who? How is this different from "additional taxes for homeland security"?

And he wants to federalize health care? And increasingly federalize retirement benefits like 401ks? Will Gephardt be running under the slogan "The Era of Small Government is Over."

The Federal Teachers? What is going to keep the Feds from using their teachers to muscle in on local control of school districts?

Other Concerns:

I just hope someone at the federal level has the common sense to start slapping expiration dates on some of the War on Terror legislation that has been passed before the Democrats get back into power. I can stir up some belief that the Republicans will tend to do the right thing. I have no confidence that the Democrats will do so.

We need to take back the local schools now with a voucher system on the state if not the federal levels. Those who control the school systems are the gatekeepers of our society and the stewards of our children. Shouldn't you be able to control what your child studies?

We need to settle Iraq (one way or another) and then start applying diplomatic pressure to North Korea and Iran. During the diplomacy period hopefully we can get the stock market turned around.
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Dick(less) Gephardt is just a Rep., not a Senator.

His district is largely blue collar and white, with most of the population being S. St. Louis. It does include a pretty large swath that goes down into rural MO and the E. Ozarks.

I really don't think these folks are pro-welfare, but many are union and vote as told.

He launched a pretty intense smear campaign against his opponent (name slips my mind) that included having his campaign workers heckle his opponent, then get in a shoving match with him. Slightly more subtle than having Teamster thugs break the guy's kneecaps.
All fine and well Dick.

But... who will Bill and Hillary annoint as the chosen one to lose against GWB in 2004?

Thus paving the way for herself to step up to the plate in 2008 (hey that rhymed)

He's run in the primaries almost every 4 years and has never gotten any traction. I think the Dems want Lieberman and the pretty boy, John Edwards. Actually, I was hoping to see Al Sharpton take it. :D
Dick Gephardt is a prime example of why term limits are sorely needed. 26 years of talking out of which ever side of his mouth he needed. This run won't amount to any more that his previous attempts. Doesn't cost too much to float a trial baloon and he should have a decent war chest.
Don’t discount Gephardt. He has come into his own recently and of all the Democrat candidates, I think he has the most going for him. He has been a vocal dissident to Bush on several occasions and has sort of become a lightning rod for democratic opposition to Bush. He has picked up a lot of name recognition recently as well. I think he is here to stay for this race, and I think he might even be able to put together a good run for the Whitehouse.
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