Got a laugh out of AMC

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Dec 25, 2002
Salem, Oregon
Sitting here in the middle of the night drinking Jim Beam and watching old movies.

On AMC they had an ad for Kevin Costner as Wyatt Earp with a series of segments from the movie alternating with titles. One of the titles is something along the lines of "Believes in the right to bear arms" and the next one something along the lines of "a real red state man".

This is a level of original thinking in media advertising that I did not expect and thought was hilarious.

Or maybe it is just the last half glass of Jim Beam? :D
I chuckled at that too.. Watched a bit of it a sec ago but my nerves are too shot to cope with my ADD so I'm pacing around listlessly trying to get some necessary chores taken care of for the first time since I moved into this place last year before I pass out.
A dissenting voice

While Kurt Russel may have done a more accurate presentation of Wyatt Earp as one of my friends contends, I much prefer the Wyatt Earp over Tombstone as a movie. The film has more depth of character in my eyes, the acting is better (Dennis Quaid looks and sounds deathly ill, while Val Kilmer looks far too hale and healthy) and the pacing does not feel like a comic-book adaptation that Tombstone presents.

But then, my taste in movies has never been in line with the mainstream.
John Ford spoke to Wyatt Earp and based on his words and drawings Ford said his film on the matter was pretty much exactly what happened, down to the carriage which went by raising dust, which Wyatt had waited for for cover to cross the road.
I'm wondering what motivated and allowed what seems like an RKBA supporting ad.

Maybe censors don't watch late night television? Hopefully it was not meant to be sarcastic and is part of a trend.

Wonder if they'd eventually take ads for some of our fine firearms vendors. :rolleyes: Or are such ads as prohibited as the famous prohibited words? :uhoh:
Tombstone is my favorite western, followed by The Outlaw Josey Wales and Big Jake (which was on TCM last week).

Don't get me wrong, I love Tombstone, but I don't think it is nearly as good as The Outlaw Josey Wales.

The way that ketchup shirts out of their fingers when Josey shoots them gives me goose bumps.:D
Now ... I like Tombstone, good flick. But I watched Wyatt Earp a few weeks ago. I really liked it. Dragged on a bit here and there, but the depth of the characters was a nice change to current movie scripts. And I kept looking for Dennis Quaid and couldn't place him. Now that Sindawe said
Dennis Quaid looks and sounds deathly ill
I placed him as the TB guy, god my name placement is horrendous. I didn't realize that was him, man he played that part really well. I gotta add that movie to my collection.
I think "Tombstone" was more entertaining by far, but Costner's Earp was very well done. I think it interesting to see how different people interpret these characters. Dennis Quaid did a better Doc, IMHO, though Val Kilmer played an excellent part, too. I just think Dennis Quaid got into the Doc character better. (He went on a crash diet, losing something like 30+ pounds, to help get into character.) The human history was better done by the Costner movie, whereas Tombstone got the technical details better, such as the gunleather, wagons, etc., IMHO.
'Wyatt Earp' was better

I have both films, and "Wyatt Earp" is by far the better presentation of the real guy, even though some license is taken with historical accuracy.

The genuine Earp was no hero (a'la Hugh O'Brien's version) and maybe no villain, and it was he and his brothers who enforced early gun control laws in Dodge and Tombstone. This made it far easier to deal with drunken cowpokes and simply rack up arrests for which they were paid a nominal percentage of the fines.

John H. "Doc" Holliday was a lot of things, but historians are challenging whether he was as prolific a killer as Hollywood made him out to be. Quaid's performance was, IMHO, more accurate than Kilmer's and both of them stole the films they were in.

Quaid's line: "What's wrong with me? What have you got? I'm dying of tuberculosis, everybody I know hates me, I sleep with the nastiest whore in Kansas and every morning I wake up...blah blah"

Costner's reply goes over nearly everyone's head: "Not everybody hates you" Translation: "Everything else you just said is true. Get over it."

As for John Ford: He made some good westerns, but his problem wasn't listening to Wyatt Earp, it was listening to historian Stuart Lake, who "invented" the Wyatt legend, and appears now in retrospect to have been completely fooled by Wyatt or completely full of B.S., or perhaps a lot of both. Ford's OK corral gunfight in "Clementine" was so off base that it's not worth watching. Here's water in your rotgut:

At the time, Old Man Clanton was already dead.
Finn Clanton wasn't there.
Billy Clanton was there, and he got killed.
Ike Clanton survived.
Morgan Earp was very much alive and in the gunfight and was wounded.
Doc Holliday survived (he died of TB at Glennwood Springs, CO six years later) and he was not a surgeon as Ford portrayed, but a dentist.
James Earp didn't get murdered by anybody, including the Clantons.

The court reports and reports in the Tombstone Epitaph about the trial following the gunfight are remarkable testaments to RKBA and the facts of the case. This was clearly a feud between warring families, one of which consisted of rustlers and murderers, and the other which consisted of gamblers and would-be entrepreneurs who wore badges.

There is growing historical support for the actual existence of a "Buntline Special" with a 10-inch barrel that Earp carried in a special pocket in his overcoat. He may have indeed used this in the fight.

Both westerns were good shoot-em-ups, but others here are right about "Wyatt Earp" lending far more to character development than "Tombstone." You got to see Wyatt as a youth, how he changed from an eager kid into a very somber killer, and he did kill quite a bit after Morgan's murder in 1882. The only let-down in "Earp" was that the characters of the bad guys were not as fleshed out. Curly Bill Brocius was far more fun in "Tombstone" (thanks to Powers Boothe) and Tombstone gave life to Johnny Ringo where he was just pretty much an "extra" in Costner's film.

"Wyatt Earp" had by far the better music score. And it appears a real hot scene between Wyatt and Josie was trimmed from "Tombstone" ... and Dana Delaney is the more lovely of the two Josies.

Russell had the better moustache...closer to Wyatt's real broom.
Costner had the better character down pat, and it is very unfair that he got panned for it.

And Russell's film had Chuck Heston in a far-too small cameo. I knew Heston from the NRA. Can't beat that.

Best lines:

"My mother told me, 'Never put off til' tomorrow, people you can kill today'."

"Why Johnny Ringo. You look like somebody just walked over your grave."
Hated 'Wyatt Earp'. Loved 'Tombstone'. But my favorite western is still 'Silverado'. It takes me back to when I was a kid and you knew the good guys from the bad guys, and Costner shooting those two guys at once was just too much fun...

Glover's "Now I don't want to shoot you, and you don't wanna be dead" line was great, too.
The latest NRA mag has some decidedly elietist and anti quotes by Kevin Costner; the bottom line that it's OK for Kevin, but he stated that we need 'lots of new gun laws'.

Not a bad actor sometimes. Like many actors, he ruins EVERYTHING by trying to show us his political opinions in the 'real world'.

As Hemingway said, 'Remember them as they were, and right them off'.
Tombstone was a far better film for me. I watch movies to be entertained, not to sleep. Wyatt Earp could have been trimmed to 2 hours easily. Quaid's Doc was good, but pales (pardon the pun) in comparison to Kilmer's. And that from a Kilmer basher and Quaid fan. Kilmer hale and hardy? Hardly. He looked plenty sickly to me.

Silverado is right up there for fun. But, The Long Riders will always be my favorite. I've an open mind though, to the westerns now on the horizon. Hollywood could still surprise me.

Special mention for a great film: The Quick and the Dead, starring Sam Elliot, (my personal favorite western actor) Tom Conte, and Kate Capshaw
Kilmer looked like he had TB pale, hollow eyed, and sweaty. Plus Kurt Russel NEVER comes off as preachy Costner on the other hand...
I have to go with Tombstone. Wyatt Earp I found a snooze. Like many of Costner's Films the wife just could not stay awake through it and I almost passed out myself. I really dislike Kilmer but he was awsome in the flick and there was a bit more (closer) realism with the Earps as well. They did leave out many of the politics of the day but they were making a movie not a documentary.

But I really dislike the whole Wyatt Earp personna. He stands for everything that is wrong in the world today. Gun control, arbitrary laws at the whim of an official not even elected by the people, abuse of power and position for personal gain, social elitism, low morals... but still he is Wyatt Earp...
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