Greetings and a Question

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Jun 19, 2003
Atlanta Area

I have been lurking here for a few weeks and the replies to the Anti gun question thread convinced me that I need to be a part of this forum. You guys ROCK!

I am a former TFL member and a current member on Glocktalk and I am a lifelong shootist, and I love the freedom that we have in this country.

Just one question though. Can any of you direct me to an anti gun forum? I would like very much to get their take on the issue (know thy enemy :evil: ) and debate with them in a civil manner.

Thanks for the help and thanks for allowing me to join your ranks.
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Can't help you with a forum address, but glad to have you here.

I would like very much to get their take on the issue (know thy enemy:evil and debate with them in a civil manner.

I wouldn't waste your time.

Their "take on the issue" is that they don't like guns and don't feel comfy around them so nobody should have them except military and cops.

Your facts don't matter; all that they care about is their feelings.

The antis come in here now and then, and as soon as they get presented (overwhelmed) with the facts, they either disappear or recite the same emotional stuff over and over.
Still.. It can really be fun when they get torqued up after all of their emotional arguments get 'shot full of holes' (pun fully intended)

I don't have any links to send you, but I know a few people on here also like to keep tabs on the 'other side'.. I am sure someone will be able to direct you soon..


I used to be the director of research of Armed Females of Americe in their early days, and find the mindset and bizarre emphasis on "the victim mentality" fascinating (in a clinical sense, anyway).

Here is the first comment I posted, after Columbine, after studying the gun-control propaganda:

14 Oct 1999
Remote User:
I'm a middle-aged, housewife, receiving permanent disability, living quietly in
the mountains of Park County, Colorado. My name is Trisha.
Time has passed, and the media's feeding frenzy has abated a little. Maybe my voice can be heard
now, though my perspective may still be insignificant, as I am surely among the least visible and
politically potent in many things, save these issues.
If there were to be a more lucid and graphic demonstration of the social mechanics of a disarmed
society (that being one where only criminals and vested authority posessed firearms) for the
apathetic to examine, it escapes me. Frightened teenagers and their authority figures, the faculty,
numbering collectively in their hundreds were completely cowed and terrorised by two
Civil authority was summoned, and in their great might (with advanced martial training, and
dramatic state-of-the-art weaponry),acted within their conditioning and authority structure's
And the unbridled, empowering reign of terror within continued; the huddled, powerless, weeping
throng praying and begging for rescue by others whom they had been taught would protect them.
Thirty years of the victim mentality bore a bountiful harvest that day. Mass media quickly averted
its' viewfinder from the wholesale slaughter waiting in the wings: The propane bombs didn't
detonate. Professional mental health counsellors were provided by civil authority to absolve the
fear and helplessness carried by so many.
My revulsion for the coherent demonstration of contemporary society and the "victim mentality"
overwhelmed me for a time. The triumph of the control to glorify and empower a mindset of
helplessness in the presence of fiends bent on wholesale slaughter sickened me. Even without
firearms, the hundreds found no "Iron blood of courage" that day.
I vote. I lawfully own and carry and regularly practice with firearms. In the acutely limited sphere
of social contact I interact with, I advocate awareness on second ammendment issues including
right-to-carry legislation. I encourage people to investigate self-defense, and the related issues of
our government being the servant to the populace, and answerable for its' actions.
Columbine embodied the agonies waiting for all of us (and all of our futures) if, in all of our
diversity, we fail to effectively deliver and demonstrate the worth of self-defense, courage, and
social responsibility as truly viable and durable and worthy traits of a caring and active and
gracious society.
I can be reached at: [email protected]

(my new e-mail is: [email protected])

I would like very much to get their take on the issue (know thy enemy ) and debate with them in a civil manner.
First, the whole "civil" thing is utterly impossible with those types. I've tried repeatedly.

I had some fun at the michael moore forums when they were up this winter, but oddly enough, as more and more pro-gunners made their way over there and made complete ***es out of them, the place up and disappeared. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, here are some gems off the top of my head that I recieved from the MM forums:

- Guns are just a penis extension. You just want a gun to feel more like a "real man."

- I'd rather be raped than saved by someone with a gun. (Yes, a woman actually posted that on there.)

There are many more, but unfortunately its been a while and I've forgotten. Those two manage to stick out in my head though.

See what you're dealing with? Forget it. You are honestly wasting your time.
Thanks guys

Thanks for the welcome.

I disagree that I am wasting my time trying to learn about the anti-gun mindset. The more one knows, the better equipped one is to counter them. I want to know every argument they make, and every fallacy they preach. I know you guys are just trying to save me some time, but this is something that I realy want to know about, "from the horse's mouth" as they say.

Trisha, you should realy write a book, if you have not already. You are quite eloquent, and your philosophy is right in line with mine. I hope you do not mind, but I printed off the post that you made in the anti w/ question thread to show to some fence sitting friends of mine. Just 3 or 4 days ago the subject of the "apex predator" came up between us, and I made a simmilar argument, though not quite so eloquently.

I clicked on the links that were provided, but I still can't seem to find a public message board on them, except the Democratic Underground. The MMM forum is a members only deal, do you think they are afraid we will prove them wrong in their own house? There are far more pro gun boards out there, a fact that I am thankful for.

Thanks again for the welcome.

I understand completely, as I did the same thing. I can say I'm better off for it, and I shouldn't have said what I said. Kinda hypocritical of me. :rolleyes: :banghead:

At any rate, good luck on your endeavor. If I find any such forums, I'll let you know.

Oh, and keep a vomit bag or four and some extra-strength aspirin and antacid handy. You'll need it when dealing with liberals. :rolleyes:

I don't know where large groups of anti's hang out but I run into them in every forum. I was just reading a thread on a motorcycle site asking why anyone might need a gun in their tank bag. Every argument they posed also ran against any form of ccw.
Hieeeeeee! - to quote Sir Skunk.

Welcome to The High Road..

One question back at cha'.. What took you so long? We've been waiting for you to join up.. ;)
i had the same idea as you and wound up at i planned to join their board and post a tasteful, polite query into theri anti-gun midset much like the great thread recently here. i then read their rules of their forum. here are a few exerpts:

"We reserve the right to ban anyone for any reason, and to delete any post for any reason. "


We welcome Democrats of all stripes, along with other progressives who will work with us to achieve our shared goals.

This is a "big tent" message board. We welcome a wide range of progressive opinion. You will likely encounter many points of view here that you disagree with.

We ban conservative disruptors who are opposed to the broad goals of this website. If you think overall that George W. Bush is doing a swell job, or if you wish to see Republicans win, or if you are generally supportive of conservative ideals, please do not register to post, as you will likely be banned.

If you have been banned from Democratic Underground, you are not permitted to log on again using a different username. Previously banned members will be immediately banned, regardless of behavior.

People who repeatedly and willfully break the rules, or who generally engage in rude, antisocial behavior, will be banned. It doesn't matter if you are a progressive or a long-term member of this board."

"Democratic Underground is a "big tent" message board which welcomes a broad range of progressive opinions. As such, you are likely to disagree strongly with many of the comments you see expressed here. Please do not take these differences of opinion personally. The simple fact that someone disagrees with you does not give you the right to lash out and break the rules of this message board. A thick skin is usually required to participate on this or any message board. " <----hypocritical!!!

"If you are the type of person who just can't get along with other people, and if you seem to repeatedly cause trouble, eventually we will decide that your presence is a disruption and we will ban you. It doesn't matter if you are a progressive or a long-term member of this board."

"Please do not post messages or jokes that could be construed as advocating harm or death to the president, or that could be construed as advocating violent overthrow of the government of the United States. The Secret Service is not known for its sense of humor." <--- the phase "don't flatter yourself" comes to mind.

"Please be aware that new members are restricted from starting new discussion topics. We require you to first post responses to a few existing discussion threads before you are given the privilege to do so. We wish we did not have to enforce this rule, but we have found it very helpful to keep disruptors off of our message board. Please do not email us to ask what the minimum number is; we won't tell you, and it's not very high."

"Do not publicly post private messages you receive from moderators and administrators."

i gave up. there is no point in even trying to discuss rationally issues with people that won't even hear them.

good luck to ya though.

"We ban conservative disruptors who are opposed to the broad goals of this website. If you think overall that George W. Bush is doing a swell job, or if you wish to see Republicans win, or if you are generally supportive of conservative ideals, please do not register to post, as you will likely be banned."

translation: "if you don't agree with our views, you're banned"

now THATS pretty democratic, wouldnt you say??

- I'd rather be raped than saved by someone with a gun. (Yes, a woman actually posted that on there.)

This is someone who can't get a date!:scrutiny: :banghead:
Thanks again for the greetings yall. It has been a few days since my last post, as I have been moving.

I went to all of the sites that were suggested, looking for a message board. I felt dirty after looking at all that anti-gun propaganda and fuzzy feel good bull. I need a day at the range to cleanse myself of that filth :D

Yhea, it grates on me that the DU is so much into censorship, as it is supposed to run contrary to their ideals. I guess they just prove the founding fathers distrust of true Democracy, (favoring a Democratic Republic) as the "tyranny of the majority" will always crop up.

Schuey: I realy have not had the time up until now to join. I'm glad to be aboard though.

Thanks again folks.
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