Have a Beer at the Range

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Bruno2 said:
.Everybody knows their limit.
That is utterly ridiculous statement to make in very way. If that were true, we'd have no drunk driving, very little domestic abuse, and public drunkenness would be a thing of the past. Societal issues regarding alcohol wouldn't exist if everyone was capable of simply drinking in moderation. Alcohol impairs judgement, and some people have very little to begin with. Quite frankly the idea that EVERYONE knows their limit it utter and complete nonsense, and I don't think I should have to make the judgement call while I'm at the range on whether you happen to be one who does know their limits or one of the good many that do not. Impaired judgement and firearms hardly go hand in hand, and I won't feel comfortable shooting with people that insist otherwise, or argue they aren't impaired "enough to make a difference". Guns are fun, and some people think boozing is.....to each their own. Its none of my business until you combine the two and create a dangerous situation for all involved.

While in college, I partied my fair share. I also lived off-campus, and COULD have had my guns available in my apartment had I chosen to do so. Instead, they remained 3 hours away, safely at my parent's residence. Was it that I couldn't control myself? Was I afraid of what I was capable of after a few drinks? Absolutely not....but my home had lots of people coming and going on a regiular basis (much like most college residences) and alcohol was omnipresent. Given the circumstances,even though I lived by myself and was raised around firearms, I just didn't think it was the prudent thing to do having my collection easily accessible. I don't think t was paranoia, I think it was a reasonable precaution to take given the circumstances. Given that no one ever got shot in my apartment, I stand by my decision. The potential for problems was easily averted.....just like it can be by banning alcohol from the range and not imbibing on the line or between rounds. If you see the right solution, yet feel the need to rebel against it despite your actions being dangerous to all around you.....you may have some personal issues to work on.....
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First I finish shooting and put the guns away then I just might have a drink.
You're not allowed to bring empty alcoholic beverage containers to use for plinking targets at my club. Buzzed shooting is like buzzed driving.
Don't drink and shoot people.

Well, it would make explaining it to the law a little tuffer.


I think Trents' uncle is sadly proof that anything truly can happen, and that ANYTHING you can do to minimize the risk of harm to yourself is worth your consideration.
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First of all I would have informed the RO immediately or at least beat a path out of there. Another consideration is: if they were all drinking, who is driving home? This is just fuel for the "I am against anything gun" crowd.:banghead::banghead:
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