Hillary goes Conservative on Immigration

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Jan 7, 2003
St. Pete, FL
I'm sure this is just a ploy, as her real intentions are highlighted in bold below....


Hillary goes conservative on immigration

By Charles Hurt

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is staking out a position on illegal immigration that is more conservative than President Bush, a strategy that supporters and detractors alike see as a way for the New York Democrat to shake the "liberal" label and appeal to traditionally Republican states.

Mrs. Clinton — who is tagged as a liberal because of her plan for nationalized health care and various remarks during her husband's presidency — is taking an increasingly vocal and hard-line stance on an issue that ranks among the highest concerns for voters, particularly Republicans.

"Bush has done everything he can to leave the doors wide open," said
Robert Kunst, president of HillaryNow.com, a group dedicated to drafting Mrs. Clinton to run for president. "Hillary is the only one taking a position on immigration. She will win that issue hands down."

In an interview last month on Fox News, Mrs. Clinton said she does not "think that we have protected our borders or our ports or provided our first responders with the resources they need, so we can do more and we can do better."
In an interview on WABC radio, she said: "I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants."

"Clearly, we have to make some tough decisions as a country, and one of them ought to be coming up with a much better entry-and-exit system so that if we're going to let people in for the work that otherwise would not be done, let's have a system that keeps track of them," she said.

Unlike many pro-business Republicans, Mrs. Clinton also has castigated Americans for hiring illegal aliens.

"People have to stop employing illegal immigrants," she said. "I mean, come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties, stand on the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx. You're going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work."

In contrast, Mr. Bush backs a guest-worker program that allows foreign citizens entry into the United States and an eventual path to citizenship. One of the president's first acts after his re-election was to push for it again, before both domestic and foreign audiences.

Mrs. Clinton's position has been noticed by Rep. Tom Tancredo, a Colorado Republican and leading proponent of stricter immigration controls.

"She's not a dumb woman," Tancredo spokesman Carlos Espinoza said. "She's got a great liberal base, and she realizes there's no better way to draw in more conservative voters. She has really come out to the forefront on that."

With the vast majority of Americans in polls viewing illegal immigration as a serious problem, Mrs. Clinton also could make deep inroads in the conservative red states, especially those in the South that the Democrats have largely written off in recent presidential campaigns.

As the immigration issue has entered the debate over national security, the New York senator — representing the state hardest hit by the September 11 attacks — is uniquely positioned to take a firm stance on the issue, to the delight of some conservatives.

"More than any other leader of either political party, U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton has been focusing on immigration reform and border security — taking hard-line positions that appeal to frustrated Republicans in a move that could guarantee her enough support in red states to win the White House in 2008," conservative author Carl Limbacher wrote recently on NewsMax.com, which has chronicled many of Mrs. Clinton's statements on immigration.

Mr. Espinoza said the former first lady has become particularly vocal on the issue during and after the November election, in which Democrats performed so poorly.

"I think she's realizing how much this issue has grown since 9/11," he said. "If you talked about it before then, you were just a flat-out racist. Now it's this huge issue."

Moving to the right of even some Republicans, the former first lady told WABC she favors "at least a visa ID, some kind of entry-and-exit ID. And ... perhaps, although I'm not a big fan of it, we might have to move towards an ID system even for citizens." :cuss:

Jennifer Duffy with the Cook Political Report said a conservative stance on immigration would be wise in the event Mrs. Clinton runs for president in 2008.

"Democrats are asking if it's really smart to nominate another Northeastern Democrat, and she is a Northeastern Democrat," she said. "It's probably smart to blur that perception a little."

But not everyone sees it as a wise a move.
"I think she is trying to move to the right, and immigration is one of the ways she is using to do it," said political strategist Dick Morris, who has a history of working with former President Clinton.

"I think this is a particularly misguided choice on her part, however, since two-thirds of Bush's margin this time was due to his closure of the Democratic margin of victory among Hispanics."

Mr. Bush lost the vote of Hispanics — many of whom are wary of tougher immigration laws — by only 10 percentage points this year, whereas he lost it by 20 percentage points four years ago, Mr. Morris said.

Mr. Kunst, whose Web site supporting Mrs. Clinton got thousands of hits daily right after Mr. Bush's re-election, said Mrs. Clinton is now the strongest Democrat for 2008 in terms of both popularity and financing.

Immigration is a good issue for her even as, he hopes, she holds onto her liberal credentials.

"It's not just about cheap labor anymore," Mr. Kunst said. "It's about security. We have to do something about it."
It will be easy for rivals to appear more conservative than Bush, considering the fact that he has taken the Republicans on a sharp left turn during the last four years.

The fact that Hillary is "more conservative" than Bush on any subject really demonstrates the folly of Neo-Conservatism.
Hill is just like the little chamelion lizard. She will change colors to blend in with the current environment. She is, however, still the same lizard inside and the same scales on the outside. She learned well from hubby how to change her outward appearance quickly to be whatever she thinks the people want RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW. Her innerds never change. Be afraid-be very afraid.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is staking out a position on illegal immigration that is more conservative than President Bush, a strategy that supporters and detractors alike see as a way for the New York Democrat to shake the "liberal" label and appeal to traditionally Republican states

She is Satan in Drag in so far as the average voter in traditionally Republican States are concerned.

Bush took 63% of the vote in Utah AFAIK, and not much less in Idaho. I'm pretty sure Utah would go 85-90% Republican if Satan/Hitlery were the Democrat candidate.
"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is staking out a position on illegal immigration that is more conservative than President Bush"

Like that's difficult. :banghead:
Her husband's administration had an absolutely horrible record on stopping illegal immigration. During Bill Clinton's administration the INS was effectively prevented from doing their job by the administration.

Either Hillary had no influence in the administration, which sure doesn't seem to have been the case, or this is just a new interest of hers.

Most likely she looked at the polls, and found that the illegal immigration lobby doesn't deliver votes.
Hillary staked out a position. She no more believes what she is spouting than Bush does. Both are politicians. Hillary thinks she can gain votes by down-mouthing criminal aliens (not a hard task since since polls indicate 80% of the population wants the problem fixed). Bush thinks he can gain Hispanic votes and corporate money by opening the borders. Only one is right.

In either case the middle class is on the chopping block.

Want a good predictor of Bush's second term? Watch his immigration "reform" bill.
Hillary is a shrewd politician. She knows that her true socialistic left-wing beliefs are not shared by a majority of americans. She is trying to create a history that "looks" moderate. If another terrorist strike hits us in our own country, Hillary has "immigration control" sound bites waiting that will show her as the wise person who would really protect our country. I doubt she cares a bit about strengthening immigration control. It is just a cold, calculated political move.
The entire "Homeland Security" charade is a joke as long as the borders remain porous.
If another terrorist strike hits us in our own country, Hillary has "immigration control" sound bites waiting that will show her as the wise person who would really protect our country.
Exactamente, amigo :) Bush needs to get the message, but he's too busy bending over for Vicente.
Hillary cannot possibly deliver on this given the current make-up of the Democratic Party but she may fool a few of the people, some of the time.

The real ferment, still a good way beneath the surface, is the rise of nationalism, which includes illegal immigration, political, cultural, and moral values, and our economic policies. Whether that leads to a third party remains to be seen.
If I thought she were honest

(Yeah, right!) I might agree with her.

I'm pretty much an anti-immigrationist. I'm not even willing to admit people to the country who come with five million dollars each, one million of which each of them gives to me, because he thinks Orthonym is such a cool guy, and he (the immigrant) himself has an IQ of 140 or greater, and marvelous creative artistic engineering talents. (Oleg excepted, of course. Snork.)

There are more people on this planet than there are useful things for them to do, already. If one is fortunate enough to live in a rather sparsely populated part of the globe, (as that goes these days) why would he encourage lots of strangers to come and live near him?

As one who has not, as far as he knows, yet successfully reproduced, I am not a contributor to the problem.

I don't like other people living near me and getting on my nerves.


Guess I'm jest old, mean, and grumpy.
Cool Hand Luke said:
Bush took 63% of the vote in Utah AFAIK, and not much less in Idaho. I'm pretty sure Utah would go 85-90% Republican if Satan/Hitlery were the Democrat candidate.
And if this happens, and the Utah voters come out in droves, and deliver the state at 95% republican, do you know how many more electoral votes Utah will be able to give to the republican candidate than they did to Bush this time? None.

This isn't about traditionally-conservative states like Utah. This is about borderline states like Florida and Ohio. Just like always.

States like California (which appears to be unshakably Liberal thanks to the populous cities in the south), and Utah (which appears to be unshakably Conservative), have more or less taken themselves out of the debate other than as pre-allotated markers. No liberal presidential candidate actually plans on winning Utah, and no Conservative actually imagines he'll win California. So they give lip service to those states, just to avoid making it obvious, tally them up as wins for their opponents, and then concentrate on the states that have a more even distribution of voters.

Hillary can go as far right as she wants for the next 2 -3 years, because no matter what she says, all of the left-wingers KNOW that it is just hot air, posturing for the coming election. They will still vote for her, so her base is safe -- they know she is lying to get red state votes.

I just hope that the so-called "middle-of-the-roaders" understand this about her; if they don't, be prepared for Pres. Hillary!!! :barf:
How far Hillary gets in '08 is up to Bush. If Iraq's in chaos, we have a $10 trillion national debt, keep exporting jobs and importing exploitable labor, can't clamp down on our borders, and are trying to fight wars of occupation with a surgical-strike-sized military, she will have all the campaign material she needs.
She might be in favor of a national ID card?

%$&^#$%^. We already have at least two national ID cards, each. SSN and State Drivers License.

Problem is, illegals can and do get these ID cards. The terrorists in the 9/11 attacks had something like 60+ valid drivers licenses between the small group of them.

Making a new national ID will not solve the problem. Preventing illegals from getting our existing IDs is the problem.
Standing Wolf,

I agree. Again.

But, just for giggles, what would it take for The Smartest Woman on Earth to actually get elected or at least make things scary?

One requirement is getting Conservative Dems to accept a sufficent number of rumors and lies to "Come Home to the Democratic Party"

1.Opposition to Bushes legalization of illegal immigration is be a great start and if we get hit she's golden on that one

2.What if she came out for ending partial birth "that which cannot be spoken of here on THR" but put all other forms of "that which" in a lockbox so those processes would be forever safe, clean and whatever

3. Rumors of a flat tax somewhere in the future

4. A ruthless set of condemnations about the ever increasing size of government and even a few token cuts probably things Bush funded

5.And the end all and be all.....while governements have a right to control some aspects of gun access and use, no laws restricting the private ownership of firearms will ever leave her desk signed by her.

I don't think she would even need to play the legalization of drugs card be it ever so near and dear to countless of my fellow High Roaders.

I don't know what it would take to bring the swingers home but given the left of center Bush-way of doing business she could make a convincing argument that she IS a conservative (all lies of course, but it's politics)

I feel a poll coming on.......

I think she's just using the issue as a way to get a national ID card. We'll get the card, then nothing will be done about immigration.

Anyway, where does that bit about her being so smart come from? I know she went to Yale, but for my money the smartest woman in America is some engineer or scientist somewhere, not a lawyer, for goodness sake.
I think she's just using the issue as a way to get a national ID card. We'll get the card, then nothing will be done about immigration.

What good would a card do if nobody ever looks at it?

I concur: Shillary Snopes Clinton probably won't have much trouble differentiating herself from George W. Bush, who's no more conservative than her repulsive husband. Ultimately, all the positioning and differentiating and speech-making won't do her a speck of good: she's as shameless a liar as her disgusting husband, and America has outgrown that sort of creature.

It's a principles thing. Representatives of the Democratic (sic) party don't get it.
another okie

The SWOE handle was ascribed to HC during the time Bill was POTUS. Not sure which term. 1st I think.

The person (talking head) that so dubbed Her Highness conveyed the description as a compliment. All those smitten with both the Clintons (including the national media) took it on faith as a true comment in every way and just another example of how well validated they were to admire and adore her.

The Talk Radio crowd (Rush and the rest) managed to turn it into something more along the lines of a national smerk. I am totally in agreement with that perspective.

anyone with a partially functioning brain and the ability to form their on thoughts on their own are going to see the uber liberal from arkansas is doing this as a political maneuver, not because she believes in any kind of change in the system.

i didnt even read half the article, her "it takes a village" mindset has convinced me NEVER to believe anything she says when it sounds remotely moderate or conservative.

yeah i still remember her telling us she'll take money from us in her grand scheme to "level the playing field" with the poor. she's a dyed in the wool redistribution of wealth liberal, unless its her wealth, then you cant have it.

she doesnt want to change illegal immigration (i call it invasion, when groups of people sneak across a border for lord knows what reasons, its called an invasion)

she just wants more votes, i seriously doubt she'll get many votes from the right with this tactic. the men dont want her around because of her militant feminist views and women are terrified of her it takes a village outlook on raising a child knowing full well she didnt let the village raise chelsea.

and its no surprise she'd want a national ID system, she believes in a bigger government that makes all your decisions for you, so you can spend more time at work to feed the beast she helps control. including healthcare, where the bureaucrats decide whether you should get treatment and when you should get it how you get and who administers it to you.

no thanks. lets all hope she drops dead before 2008.
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