How often do you fire your carry pistol?

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No offense intended, but unless it's a classic collector's item,
what's the use in even owning a weapon if you rarely (if ever) shoot it?
I've always believed that a huge part of gun ownership is the
pure joy of shooting itself. Oh well, diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks...:confused:
Wesson, why would I be offended? I regularly fire every single gun I own, including the historical ones.

I was just asking what schedule or routine you all kept with your carry pistols. I shoot all my weapons regularly, but I don't usually leave my non-carry weapons loaded. My carry pistol, on the other hand, stays loaded all the time. I know how to maintain a regularly fired gun. I just didn't know how staying constantly loaded affected mags.
Oh, I wasn't pointing my observation at you at all, spiroxlii.
I thought this was was a real good topic for a thread. I was just
reacting to a couple of other comments earlier in the thread.
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