I found out something interesting about myself today.

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Sep 19, 2011
I'm a darn good shot! We (n003k and I) went out to the range today. I decided to try out the AK-74 for the first time. I tried it sitting down first, aiming at the little metal gong, about a foot in diameter, 100 yards away. I managed to hit it! Mind you, I managed this without a scope. Just the normal sights. I'm a pretty new shooter, so I just put it down to luck. I tried the gun standing up; managed to hit the gong again. At this point I'm thinking, alright, just some more luck.
Then I sat back down, as it was more comfortable, and kept aiming at this little metal gong. To mine and n003k's huge surprise, I continued to hit it over and over. There were some times where the wind would pick up and I'd get a little off, but I hit it more times than not. When I was all out of ammo for that, I switched to my little Ruger, a .22 revolver. Just jokingly n003k suggested I try to hit the gong with that...so I did. This time I only hit it 4 out of 10 times, but I was surprised that I managed to hit it at all!!! You learn something new every day.
Sounds like you had some fun! Keep putting them downrange, you'll be smacking that gong regularly with the .22 before long.
Well good for you! Maybe you are ready to shoot an AK-47? ;)
Sounds like you had a blast and that sure is some darn good shooting at that range.
I highly recommend you consider an Appleseed shoot (http://appleseedinfo.org/) before it gets too doggone cold. You'll not find better and safer training anywhere, especially when one considers the price, and it will make an expert marksman out of a "darn good" shot.

And you'll have a great time as well!
Well good for you! Maybe you are ready to shoot an AK-47?
Sounds like you had a blast and that sure is some darn good shooting at that range.

Haha, unfortunately, they're illegal here in CT! I had a BLAST!
She also forgets to mention that the only other centerfire she's shot was a single range trip on an AR15 at 50 yards, and other than that, rimfire at 10-15 yards. I was pretty shocked when she was hitting the gong...originally I just figured she could use it as a point of aim to get a feel for the AK74 until the ceasefire, didn't think she'd hit it that quickly!
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