I've Been Banned From...

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...the Democratic Underground.
In response to a thread on registering guns like cars I said:
" Like they did in 1928 Germany. That was when the law-abiding citizen dozed while the government passed all kinds of laws for the good of the people that paved the way for tyranny to flourish. I'm guessing that they also had a very active Liberal Left.
We all know the rest of the story."
My posts were deleted and my posting privileges revoked. They're not very democratic over there although they are quite boring.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I'm guessing that they also had a very active Liberal Left.

Indeed they did. If you read Ominous Parallels there are cites to a report of how many of those who became Hitler Youth or Nazi Party zealouts had, pre-Hitler, been what can be described as 1930s Hippies.
And, of course, if you expand 'Nazi' all the way out you get National Socialistishe Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, or, for you English speakers out there:

National Socialist German Workers Party. Yes, for all his anti-Boshie ranting, Hitler was a socialist.
Nazi socialism was in name only. Hitler kept corporations intact, though neutered. There was some land redistribution, but nothing on the scale of the USSR. He did not do away with private property. The early Nazis who believed the socialism aspect of National Socialism were purged from the party.
The requirements for cars and guns are actually VERY similar.

If you own a car, and never drive it anywhere but your own property or a racetrack, you DON'T have to register it. If you want to use it on a public street, you need a driver's licence.

If you own a gun, and never shoot it anywhere except for your own property or at a gun range, you don't have to register it. (In free states, anyway.) If you want to carry it in public, you need a CCW licence.

So, the liberals already HAVE what they claim to WANT.

Another point, the DU is a place defined by its censorship rather than its freedom to post at will. Its a microcosom of what they want the entire country to become. Did you expect anything else?
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