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Ivory billed wood pecker rediscovered=not extinct

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PAX said:

Last week, no one knew those birds were still around.

This week, it's been all over the news from one end of the country to the other.

Lot of sick, twisted folks in the world who would not have glanced at the woodpeckers before who will, given the publicity, shoot at them now.

Makes sense to close the area off until the furor dies down a bit.

I heard some anti-gun senators make the same arguement you just made about the AWB and it sunsetting... Did it make any sense then? Does it make any sense in this context?

It is never RIGHT to infringe upon a US citizen because another might do something stupid, NEVER. It is morally wrong to do so.

Is it right to ask the Admin to ban you because what I am saying might tick you off?

If next week a Passenger pigeon is spotted in your backyard is it then ok for USFWS to throw you and all your neighbors off your land, because you MIGHT invite someone over who will kill it? Or maybe they should just set up roadblocks and make sure nobody around or near the sighting has firearms, bows, or knives... :rolleyes:

Oh and don't tell me it isn't our land... It is... We own it...

As one buddy said the other day...

Wait until they radio-collar all the birds they find for "studies"... except for those few lucky ones they'll capture for "captive breeding". Before you know it, the "saviors" will kill off all of 'em they can find...
Pax, you might want to read St Gunner's post again. Apparently hunters have been running around those woods all along. Besides, I find that hunters are generally very ecologically sensitive. It would counter productive for them to be otherwise.
Ditto what many said about wildlife mgt.and waterfowl mgt. in general.

FWIW; many of the Arkansas Wildlife people have know about the woodpeckers. They didn't want the attention they've gotten lately and possibly Federal interference due to the "Greenies" trying to shut down hunting due to the protection afforded the non-game speices. I was even hearing rumors about the ivorybill when I was in college in mid-70's getting my degree in Wildlife Mgt. at major S.E. college.

Years late,I was in Ark. assisting with some undercover operations attempting to snare some non-residents illegally guiding hunters on the Ark. WMA's during the waterfowl seasons (a number were from Georgia, I even had to hide from one I knew at the meeting site by ducking into the jon). I did some "undercover" hunting with some guides illegally operating in the area where the ivory's have been reported/documented.

I mentioned to one of the Ark. DNR personnel that I saw what I believed to be an ivory bill, and he placed his right index finger to his lips and said "sshhhhhhhhh"!"
(I very well knew the difference between the common piliated woodpecker, and Ivory bill, as we had a stuffed one in the University's collection, as well as some archived 16mm footage).

I got the message!!!!!

That was 1995.

Alas, the secret is out now!

Yes, an Ivory bill can carve out a hole in a dead tree in short-order !!!!
(feeds on the insects, btw.)

Let'em go guys !!!! They are a woodduck hunters friend !!!
I grew up in north La. Still own forested land over there. Never knew the ivory-bill was extinct til I read it somewhere after high-school, till then I had thought we had them all over the place. Was never a big "bird-watcher", so just figured I must have been seeing the pileated wood-pecker all along. Will pay more attention next time I'm over there. I used to refer to them as "cluck-cluck" woodpeckers because of their call.
What a beautiful bird. I have a red bellied woodpecker coming to my feeder , and I can sit and watch it for hours. I've always made fun of birders...until I got a feeder, and spent hours trying to figure out what I had.

Now I'm buying optics.
To bring in a hunting-related issue:

I know a guy who shoots woodpeckers off his trees with an airgun. Claims they destroy the trees if you let it go. I strongly disagree- I think they only peck on trees that are already bug-infested, and may actually do some good by reducing the infestation. I'm ignoring, of course, the fact that they peck on gutters and metal crossarms of phone poles as a mating display, as that doesn't hurt anything. I do have a personal aversion to killing for the sake of killing, anyway.

Any other opinions on the utility of woodpeckers?
Damn, and I thought I had gotten them all...

(just kidding)

If I did actually hunt, that'd be the first thing I'd shoot at... then coyotes, then javelina... then maybe rabbits if they weren't so dang cute. That's what would make the coyotes and the javelinas easy... man those things are ugly. F()*&#ing woodpeckers will always wake you up on your day off to sleep in, but that's ok, you needed to get up early to fix the hole before it gets too hot outside anyways... :banghead:

cidirkona, many years ago at deer camp it came along about beer-thirty. One of the guys was thoroughly fed up with a flicker which had been pecking away happily under the eaves of the hunt-camp house.

Sure enough, a 20-gauge was plenty-nuff gun for a flicker. Trouble was, there now was a three-inch hole in the wall of the house.

Sometimes the first problem is smaller than what one can create by leaping into action...

:), Art
When I was a kid, we had some type of woodpecker decide to make noise under the eave of our house. It was just plain annoying. Shooting a cap gun everytime we saw it under the eave or heard it pecking fix the problem in about 3 days.

May not always work, but may be an alternative for making 3 inch holes.
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