Just bought LEO glock trade in

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Feb 6, 2011
south fla.
I just bought a glock 23 trade in ,2nd gen from Ohio PD. Price was under$400
and pistol seemed by photos and dealers report that holster wear in usual spots and that it is fully functional. I will clean it up really well,replace guiderod/spring,sights,add ext controls and should be good to go. now the hard part is which glock to carry? G23 or my G27. G27 nice little pkg but G23 just melts into my hand. They both conceal well here in fla heat,just got to make a decision!!!:confused::confused:
If you can conceal the 23, carry the 23. For those occasions when you just can't conceal the 23, carry the 27. I don't see the problem.:D
A few years ago, I bought an ex-VA Beach Sheriff's Dept. G19 from Summit Gun Broker. It had night sights. I installed a Ghost 3.5lb. connector. I am
very satisfied with the gun and Summit.

I had to choose between a G19 and a G23. I've got a G22 which I bought new when they first came out. It's a nice gun, but the muzzle whip is VERY pronounced. I didn't think that it would be better with a smaller, lighter gun.

A friend was recently choosing between a G19 and a G23. Having become much more knowledgeable about Glocks since the '90s, I recommended that he buy a G23 and an extra 9x19mm barrel. That's worked out for a lot of people and he was no exception. If I had it to do over again, I'd do the same.
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