Message from Senator Frist

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Mar 1, 2003
I've just recieved this email from Senator Frist:

Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me to express your thoughts on the semi-automatic
assault weapon ban. It is an honor to serve you in the Senate and a
privilege to respond to your concerns.

Gun control is a controversial issue. People acting in good faith will
very often disagree on the most effective way to address violent crime
while recognizing the rights of law abiding gun owners, and I respect the
diversity of views on this important matter.

I have long believed that further federal regulation of gun ownership is
not the best answer to preventing violent crime, and I am a strong
supporter of the Second Amendment. Our enemy is the criminal, not the
weapon. A person intent on committing a violent crime will not be stopped
by more gun control laws. Instead, Congress and the States should work to
ensure that violent crimes are vigorously prosecuted, to keep guns out of
the hands of criminals and to better enforce our existing laws. Through
this common sense approach, we can continue to reduce violent crime across
the nation and protect the rights of law abiding gun owners.

Again, thank you for contacting me. As the Senate continues to face many
complex and challenging issues, I hope you will continue to give me the
benefit of your thoughts and advice.

William H. Frist, M.D.
Majority Leader
United States Senate
And then.....

All the Republicans in the Senate allowed the passage of all the anti-gun riders to be attached to the Firearms Manufacturer's Protection Bill. Then they killed the bill.

Maybe the Honorable Mr. Frist should put his vote where his mouth is.

Yeah, I know, we're better off than having Democrats control the Senate. But with votes like that, we might as well vote for Democrats. I think they are getting the message, what with the death of the Clinton Criminal Protection Act, or AWB. But they still need to be more pro Constitution; the gun rights thing will follow.

And I forgot about the McCain - What'sisname Incumbant Protection Act. The one about "campaign finance reform" that effectively gags us from getting together and making our issues known publicly. Another stab in the back to the Constitution and voters.
QUOTE: "All the Republicans in the Senate allowed the passage of all the anti-gun riders to be attached to the Firearms Manufacturer's Protection Bill. Then they killed the bill."

Let's have a little perspective here.

With a Democrat legislature, Firearms Manufacturer's Protection never even makes it out of committee.

With a Democrat legislature, the "Assault Weapons" Ban not only gets renewed, but probably a more stringent version.

Bill Frist is not the problem. The Republicans are not the problem.

And, anyway, it wasn't "all the Republicans" who voted for all those nut-case ammendments.

It was "all the Democrats" and a small handful of disloyal, aisle-crossing RINO-republicans.
I thought it was a good thing what Senator Frist did, to stick to his guns and let the "assault Weapons Ban" die; and I thought Senator Frist's response to all of our efforts was also a good thing. Frankly I'm happy the the ban was not renewed, and since I'm not that much of a politically minded fella, I really don't care who/whom crossed which isle... it is done; and Senator Frist is a good man, in my view.
Bill Frist is not the problem. The Republicans are not the problem.
Is Frist and the Republican majority doing everything they can to do what is right: repeal unconstitutional gun laws and get firearm manufacturer tort protection passed?


They are a problem. They're not quite as much of a problem as the Democrats on the issue of firearms.
Is Frist and the Republican majority doing everything they can to do what is right: repeal unconstitutional gun laws and get firearm manufacturer tort protection passed?


They are a problem. They're not quite as much of a problem as the Democrats on the issue of firearms.

They got the AWB off the books. A majority of Republicans did support manufacturer tort protection.

Your point amounts to, "The Republicans did not give me everything I wanted instantly."

Two years with a slim Republican majority is not quite enough time to completely undo years and years of Democrat-sponsored damage, I'll grant you, but they did get us headed in the right direction. I for one hope they will continue in power and continue the trend. If they get some encouragement and positive reinforcement for what they've accomplished so far, they will keep going that direction.

If pro-gun voters desert them in droves, or stay home on election day, that sends the message "supporting gun owner rights is not in your party's best interest."
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You know, this all or nothing approach to politics is not practical.

I mean cmon, I am not certain Frist could have stopped the AWB amendment from being attached because the votes were there...I know GOA wrote something on the matter of procedures and whatnot, but that isn't how things work in practice.

The Republicans are not going to ever block an amendment they know has a majority in the Senate. First of all, it is contrary to the democratic process, secondly they might be the minority someday with a vote they will hold the majority over - and they don't want to get shut out. Like an unspoken rule or agreement between the party's.

Also, fact is fact--- the AWB is DEAD, GONE, DONE. The people bashing Frist and the Republicans need to go away or wake up to reality. I know they aren't perfect, but hello - 1st time in history anti-gun legislation was let to die.

The counter argument is: Compromising with the Republicans is a defeatist stance because incrementalism is still at work and you are just settling for losing slow, rather than losing fast.

To some degree this is true. However, a democratic controlled government would quickly rape our rights in no time at all. At least with Republicans we can hold this off as much as possible to wait for a "break" or a chance. Perhaps gun sentiment will change. I personally do not see America becoming more gun interested, or the gun culture growing - we have public schools and media working against the younger generation. However, I do see the anti-gun and gun control position losing legitimacy and support as time goes on because of gun-controls failure to do what it promises. This is a plus. Perhaps someday the nation will not be pro-gun or gun happy, but the nation might lose its taste for gun-control.....

You never know, but at least we should try to hold it off till we can find out, rather than just folding in a decade with anti-gun Democrats.

Your choice.
Republicans are not the problem. The problem is a little Senate rule called the "filibuster" that allows a minority party to tie up any and all legislation as well as the appointment of Federal judges.

You want to see tort reform, including protection of firearms and other manufacturers? Get a 2/3 majority of Republican Senators along with a few conservative Democrats like Zell Miller and and blow away the trial lawyers' lobby.
The Republicans are not going to ever block an amendment they know has a majority in the Senate. First of all, it is contrary to the democratic process, secondly they might be the minority someday with a vote they will hold the majority over - and they don't want to get shut out. Like an unspoken rule or agreement between the party's.

Actually not true in terms of "majority". The senate has a unique rule called 'cloture' which requires a 60/40 vote to end debate and bring to a vote, which in essence means a bill needs more than a simple 51-49 majority.

The reason this is not often heard of is because it usually doesn't get to that point, since there is headcount before debate and if the 60 votes aren't there, then procedure is dead.
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