Mike Huckabee is the ONE

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Jun 12, 2007
There are those who won't vote for Huckabee because they think he's a religious fanatic, who want to impose a theocracy. There are those who think he's a closet liberal. And there are those who think that he won't win against a Hillary or Obama. Well I know he doesn't want a theocracy. He only ask that God help him to govern wisely. And no he's not a liberal, he's what I call a true compassionate conservative. And yes, I believe he's the only one who can beat a Hillary or Obama, in the general election. His populist message will win over conservatives, moderates, and independents alike. He's a down to earth charismatic kind of guy. I believe he's the one true candidate that the Democrats fear the most. Even Bill Clinton say's that Huckabee is the only dark horse candidate that has a real shot at the GOP nomination, and eventually the White House. I strongly believe right now that Mike Huckabee will win in a landslide in the general election. He has the wit, charisma, and charm of a Ronald Reagan, and a Bill Clinton. Neither of the other candidates have this, but Huckabee. For the GOP , I believe this guy will be the next Ronald Reagan.

I used to live in the most liberal state in the Union, the state of Massachusetts. I was living in the cesspool, called Lynn, Massachusetts. I've moved to Georgia in 2006. I can tell you that Romney is the most anti-gun candidate in the GOP race. Second to that, is Guiliani. I've moved to Georgia, because I've got sick of all these anti-gun laws and legislation, by the Democrats and Romney. Guiliani is the same type of anti-gun politician as Romney. If any of these guys get elected, I swear to God, that our 2nd Amendment rights are in serious jeopardy.

Mike Huckabee's stance on the 2nd Amendment is the strongest of any candidate. He also believes strongly in National Sovereignty. There is a lot of trade deals that's going on, especially with the Law of the Sea Treaty, aka LOST, and the North American Union. The most devastating would be the Law of the Sea Treaty, that would give the United Nations, the authority, to dictate trade over the seas, and to enact any kind of laws, even anti-gun laws, that would bypass, the laws of the United States. LOST is the biggest threat to our 2nd Amendment rights. Mike Huckabee is the only candidate to talk against this. You will never, if ever hear about LOST in the Main Stream Media. Or about the North American Union, which is also will be an entity that will try to do away with the 2nd Amendment.

The Main Stream Media is barely saying anything positive about Mike Huckabee. They're doing a hit job on his character, and barely talk about his accomplishments in the past. They want the liberal globalists, like a Hillary or Guiliani to win the election. I'm pro business and pro 2nd amendment. A majority of those who are in big business, is anti 2nd amendment. The major corporations are banking on a win for either Hillary or Guiliani. If either of these win, our 2nd Amendment rights will be eroded away by the United Nations, and the major corporations, who are in colusion with those in our government.

I believe that this is one of the most important moments in history, concerning the 2nd Amendment. Everything from the Supreme Court decision next year to the 08 elections. This moment is it. I hope to God, that Mike Huckabee wins.
Actually I believe Ron Paul is the only candidate who can beat a Democrat.

I have to ask about the scandal in which Huckabee let a convicted murderer free only to let them go murder again?

As for his stance on the 2nd Amendment, I doubt he has Ron Paul beat. Ron Paul actually says things like the following:
Originally written by Presidential Candidate Ron Paul: Restore the Second Amendment

by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

Ron Paul in the US House of Representatives, January 9, 2003

Mr. Speaker, I rise to restore the right the founding fathers saw as the guarantee of every other right by introducing the Second Amendment Protection Act. This legislation reverses the steady erosion of the right to keep and bear arms by repealing unconstitutional laws that allow power-hungry federal bureaucrats to restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Specifically, my legislation repeals the five-day waiting period and the "instant" background check, which enables the federal government to compile a database of every gun owner in America. My legislation also repeals the misnamed ban on "semi-automatic" weapons, which bans entire class of firearms for no conceivable reason beside the desire of demagogic politicians to appear tough on crime. Finally, my bill amends the Gun Control Act of 1968 by deleting the "sporting purposes" test, which allows the Treasury Secretary to infringe on second amendment rights by classifying a firearm (handgun, rifle, shotgun) as a "destructive device" simply because the Secretary believes the gun to be "non-sporting."

Thomas Jefferson said "The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; ...that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed." Jefferson, and all of the Founders, would be horrified by the proliferation of unconstitutional legislation that prevents law-abiding Americans from exercising their right and duty to keep and bear arms. I hope my colleagues will join me in upholding the Founders' vision for a free society by cosponsoring the Second Amendment Restoration Act.

Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas.

He has also introduced sweeping legislations which will get rid of many gun control laws.

Link to Ron Paul's article on the 2nd Amendment.
Why is it that when I read something that contains numerous grammatical errors I assume that the person's opinion is just as erroneous as their essay?
I believe he's the one true candidate that the Democrats fear the most.

Well, the DNC doesn't seem to think so: http://www.drudgereportarchives.com/data/2007/12/11/20071211_154236_flashhu.htm

There are other choices for a person who is just as pro-gun but won't tear the party in half with economically liberal policies and softness on illegal immigration.

And no he's not a liberal, he's what I call a true compassionate conservative.

The GOP wins by being against big government spending, not embracing it.

When did the Activism forum turn into the Campaign forum? First a thread for Ron Paul, now one for Huckabee...

So it's okay to push for a candidate, so long as he's pro-gun? What happened to the "No Politics" rule?

Did I miss a memo or something? :scrutiny:

So it's okay to push for a candidate, so long as he's pro-gun? What happened to the "No Politics" rule?

Some people here seem to assume that others care about their political commentary. Why they think anyone else cares, I have no idea...
This thread will get locked for sure, but I am in to throw water on this fire while I can :D

Randy Minton, chairman of the Arkansas chapter of Phyllis Schlafly's national Eagle Forum, said, "We called him a pro-life… liberal, when I was in the state legislature and he was governor."

President and Founder of Eagle Forum, Phyllis Schlafly, said this about Governor Huckabee: "He destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas, and left the Republican Party a shambles."

"Paul Pressler, a former Texas judge who led the conservative Southern Baptist revolt, told me, 'I know of no conservative he [Huckabee] appointed while he headed the Arkansas Baptist Convention.”

Fund went on to say that "Mr. Huckabee's reluctance to surround himself with conservatives was evident as governor, when he kept many agency heads appointed by Bill Clinton."

Ann Coulter agrees: "On illegal immigration, Huckabee makes George Bush sound like Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO). Huckabee has compared illegal aliens to slaves brought here in chains from Africa

When an Arkansas legislator introduced a bill that would prevent illegal aliens from voting and receiving state benefits, Huckabee denounced the bill.

"Mike Huckabee raised more taxes in 10 years in office than Bill Clinton did in his 12 years." -- writes Ernie Dumas, Arkansas Leader.

As Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee:

- Wanted to allow illegal aliens to be able to vote in elections.
- Supports a Federal law to ban smoking
- Raised net taxes by $505,000,000 in the state
- Raised state spending by 65.3% from 1996-2004
- Supported five tax increases
- Received an F grade from the Cato Institute (a conservative think-tank) for his tax and spending policies.
- Received an overall grade of D during his tenure as governor.
- During his tenure the number of state government employees increased by 20%.
- During his tenure the Arkansas general obligation debt was raised by almost $1,000,000,000
- Immediately upon taking office, Governor Huckabee signed a sales tax hike in 1996 to fund the Games and Fishing Commission and the Department of Parks and Tourism.
- He supported an internet sales tax in 2001.
- He publicly opposed the repeal of a sales tax on groceries and medicine in 2002.
- He signed bills raising taxes on gasoline (1999), cigarettes (2003), and a $5.25 per day bed-tax on private nursing home patients in 2001.
- He proposed another sales take hike in 2002 to fund education improvements.
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